One more night! ONe more! And I'm done with grave yards.
This has been doing horrible, horrible things to my mood.
I'm not one to get angry. Ever! About anything! You can freaking walk all over me!
But not since I've been waking up at 10pm and going to bed at 1pm, no. It's unleashed a beast inside me.
I haven't been having much trouble sleeping. I seem to sleep just fine. I get nine hours of sleep most days.
But the other day it felt like I got none! My legs were sore, I was shambling around clumsily, I think I had the whole store on edge with my foul mood. People were complaining about some bad vibe like it was a full moon when it wasn't!
Even on the nights when I didn't sleep, I wasn't always angry. I was quite docile, maybe a tad weepy. But not angry.
So much rage...
It should be a pretty easy transition back to normalcy.
Last night I was REALLY UPSET! that my paycheque didn't clear in time for me to go to a metal show. I really needed to unwind!
I wanted to do something! So I donned my official olympic canadian T-shirt which my boss bought for all of us working the graveyard shifts and I went down town to get some pictures of the Olympic Cauldron, maybe hoping deep down inside that someone, some visitor from another land would hear my silent cries of agony and boredom and rescue me! Maybe I'd get swept away in the non-stop party that was down town. But no!
12:30 and people were done partying! Mind you it was thursday. But it was dead! REALLY DEAD!
Back home I went. Made some canned chilli and watched Mystery Science Theater 3000 with an unreasonably large mug of chai tea. I decided to take a nap at 5am woke up at 10.
Haven't accomplished much else. Checking updates here and on Facebook between heating and pickling various copper doo-hahs and thinga-ma-dads.
I ordered $200 of copper and brass today! $200!
I suppose it's good that I so lightly spend $200 for materials of my trade when I think so hard before blowing it on something fun like a Wii or a shotgun! But now I have to wait for it, then make something out of it! So much work!
I discovered a new beer today, as you may or may not have figured out by now.
It's delicious! Steam Donkey! Comes in a metal bottle! It's like a can but it's shaped like a bottle!!!! With a cap!! I think someone put something like it out before, but it wasn't this good!
Steam Donkey Lager!
This is one of the best Lagers I've found in BC. Nobody here seems to know how to make them!
They all release their 1516 lager like it's some big accomplishment for them to make a beer using only barley, hopps, water and yeast! What the hell is in the rest of their beers then, eh?! If this is the crap you produce using the most basic of ingredients, then what mind altering drug are you putting in your other beers to make them slightly more palletable?! Obviously not any sort of narcotic, otherwise I would want to drink more, instead of wanting to somehow... Un-taste what I have tasted!
I'm going crazy... I need to find a club and... Beat myself with it-NO! I need to join a club! Or something. Somewhere that people gather and interact so I don't become entirely lost in my art.
I need to make use of my boyish good looks while I still have them! I can hide away making steam powered dart guns while I'm getting old and wrinkly and heaven forbid LOSE MY HAIR! Hair that would make any My Little Pony slit it's wrists! Or hocks or whatever the hell horses have! It would slit them in jealousy!
Why is it so hard to make friends at this age? You make friends in highschool out of some apparent need to cling and belong to another group. You're willing to change yourself to fit in. Why is it so different in this stage of the game?
I might have the answer, but it would involve completing this sentence...
"I would rather sit in a cold, dank basement, soldering copper shapes together than ______ing ______."
If I could figure out what that other thing is I might be able to make a conscious decision to do that instead of soldering copper shapes together!
Aaahhh. That was a healthy rant. Think I'ma go solder some more copper shapes together, make myself a nice warm mug of chai tea and watch some MST3K.
Oh, here are some shiny pictures.

One more night! ONe more! And I'm done with grave yards.
This has been doing horrible, horrible things to my mood.
I'm not one to get angry. Ever! About anything! You can freaking walk all over me!
But not since I've been waking up at 10pm and going to bed at 1pm, no. It's unleashed a beast inside me.
I haven't been having much trouble sleeping. I seem to sleep just fine. I get nine hours of sleep most days.
But the other day it felt like I got none! My legs were sore, I was shambling around clumsily, I think I had the whole store on edge with my foul mood. People were complaining about some bad vibe like it was a full moon when it wasn't!
Even on the nights when I didn't sleep, I wasn't always angry. I was quite docile, maybe a tad weepy. But not angry.
So much rage...
It should be a pretty easy transition back to normalcy.
Last night I was REALLY UPSET! that my paycheque didn't clear in time for me to go to a metal show. I really needed to unwind!
I wanted to do something! So I donned my official olympic canadian T-shirt which my boss bought for all of us working the graveyard shifts and I went down town to get some pictures of the Olympic Cauldron, maybe hoping deep down inside that someone, some visitor from another land would hear my silent cries of agony and boredom and rescue me! Maybe I'd get swept away in the non-stop party that was down town. But no!
12:30 and people were done partying! Mind you it was thursday. But it was dead! REALLY DEAD!
Back home I went. Made some canned chilli and watched Mystery Science Theater 3000 with an unreasonably large mug of chai tea. I decided to take a nap at 5am woke up at 10.
Haven't accomplished much else. Checking updates here and on Facebook between heating and pickling various copper doo-hahs and thinga-ma-dads.
I ordered $200 of copper and brass today! $200!
I suppose it's good that I so lightly spend $200 for materials of my trade when I think so hard before blowing it on something fun like a Wii or a shotgun! But now I have to wait for it, then make something out of it! So much work!
I discovered a new beer today, as you may or may not have figured out by now.
It's delicious! Steam Donkey! Comes in a metal bottle! It's like a can but it's shaped like a bottle!!!! With a cap!! I think someone put something like it out before, but it wasn't this good!
Steam Donkey Lager!
This is one of the best Lagers I've found in BC. Nobody here seems to know how to make them!
They all release their 1516 lager like it's some big accomplishment for them to make a beer using only barley, hopps, water and yeast! What the hell is in the rest of their beers then, eh?! If this is the crap you produce using the most basic of ingredients, then what mind altering drug are you putting in your other beers to make them slightly more palletable?! Obviously not any sort of narcotic, otherwise I would want to drink more, instead of wanting to somehow... Un-taste what I have tasted!
I'm going crazy... I need to find a club and... Beat myself with it-NO! I need to join a club! Or something. Somewhere that people gather and interact so I don't become entirely lost in my art.
I need to make use of my boyish good looks while I still have them! I can hide away making steam powered dart guns while I'm getting old and wrinkly and heaven forbid LOSE MY HAIR! Hair that would make any My Little Pony slit it's wrists! Or hocks or whatever the hell horses have! It would slit them in jealousy!
Why is it so hard to make friends at this age? You make friends in highschool out of some apparent need to cling and belong to another group. You're willing to change yourself to fit in. Why is it so different in this stage of the game?
I might have the answer, but it would involve completing this sentence...
"I would rather sit in a cold, dank basement, soldering copper shapes together than ______ing ______."
If I could figure out what that other thing is I might be able to make a conscious decision to do that instead of soldering copper shapes together!
Aaahhh. That was a healthy rant. Think I'ma go solder some more copper shapes together, make myself a nice warm mug of chai tea and watch some MST3K.
Oh, here are some shiny pictures.

i was flipping through your pictures and spontaneously remembered "meeting" you in zombie hunters. yes, quite.
but iwas sortof expecting pictures of this aforementioned "art." wth, mang? what is. the deal.