Moonrabbit, dirpty dirpty dirpity dirp! Dirpity-dee! Dirpty-dumb!
That pretty well describes my life and mind-set at as of late.
I wonder if anybody sells liquor-filled chocolates that have really high alcohol content.
I think these brandy beans said they were 4.4%, but I wanna feel it when I eat these things.
So we got another fishy. Her name is Polina. She's a lion-head something or other. I'll have pictures of all my fish on the bottom of the post.
I went out the other day to get myself some new gloves, and some silver. Started on a ring I've had bouncing around in my head for a while.
Kind of inspired by something from the first Diablo game.
If I remember correctly, the ring that Grizwold sets the pieces of the meteorite into.
It was a simple band with stones set all around it, but either they were, or I imagined them being very irregularly shaped stones and I really liked that idea.
In the boxes of lapidary equipment my grandma gave me, I found a pouch of tiny, little, tumbled garnets. It looks like they were either going to be beads or were rejects from others that were turned into beads.
Some of them have fractures in them, some are just spotty, a few are quite clear, but they're all very dark.
I picked out some of the better ones and I'm going to set them. I carved out little seats for them inside their bezels. I think it'll work well.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about what and where I draw my inspiration from. I feel like I had a look at one point, or was on my way to developing my look, but I can't find it in any of my old sketches or anything.
I watched thee bonus material on the second DVD in my Alien quadrilogy. It was really need to see how so many people's ideas came together for it, but also it was neat to see so much of H.R. Giger's work, his home, hear so much of where he gets his inspiration from.
That helped me in a couple ways.
First, in looking at the pieces he's made, you see that his life is his art. It's not just paintings, or sculptures, it his dinner table and chairs, it's the decor of his rooms, it's everything.
It made me remember that at one point I viewed myself as a piece of art, or at least a canvas, or clay, or some sort of medium, and that I was sculpting myself to be what I saw in my mind and wanted to be, in the way I looked, the clothes I wore, maybe even my furniture.
I can't just use jewellery as my artistic outlet. I need to have as many outlets as I can so when something comes to mind, I can make it real and immerse myself in the world I want to build for myself which should serve to inspire me further.
This all reminded me of some of the designs I had kicking around for clothing I wanted to make. So I ordered the material I need to make another long coat. But now I need a sewing machine.
The second way it helped me was quoted as saying that he's afraid of the things he sees and creates. I was astonished to find out that we was actually afraid of snakes and worms. As in, they give him the shivers.
It was refreshing because now, if people want to be dark and mysterious, they're not afraid of anything dark or morbid, they surround themselves in these things because they like them(Or they want people to think they like them.)
But back to how it helps me. It was about the things he sees, his visions.
Now he may be a lot more messed up in the head than I am, but I've imagined some crazy things in the past.
It got me thinking back to old dreams I've had that really stuck with me.
One I had when I was about 7 years old, involving this big steampunky kinda robot.
Another from when I was about 12 involved me going into the future to prevent my adult self from going into some sort of test chamber where I was going to be killed by this electric energy dog thing.
All of which I can attribute to the video games I was playing at the time, because my adult self looked suspiciously like Stephan from One Must Fall. The test chamber looked kinda like some of the arenas too.
Then the electric energy dog's 'skin' looked like the water from the original Doom. Except it was transparent.
It would be invisible, then it would flicker like lightning and slowly fade again.
Those are the things I'd like to draw on for inspiration.
Alien it's self is an inspiration to me. I grew up with it.
I got the action figures when I was 9, even though the first two movies scared me too much to watch them all the way through.
I'd read the comic books and have nightmares. Sometimes I'd just have nightmares about alien for no reason.
So yesterday I finally caved and went to the Cask Night at the bar around the corner from work, even though I knew nobody else was going to come. I went anyway. It was worth it. The beer was awesome.
I sampled a few others as they have this 'Sample four beers for $8' thing going on.
I got really drunk because I didn't eat enough before hand and drank really quickly.
Then I went over to the girl's place, drank more and watched Airplane too.. I was really smashed.
Anyway. Here's the fish!
That pretty well describes my life and mind-set at as of late.
I wonder if anybody sells liquor-filled chocolates that have really high alcohol content.
I think these brandy beans said they were 4.4%, but I wanna feel it when I eat these things.
So we got another fishy. Her name is Polina. She's a lion-head something or other. I'll have pictures of all my fish on the bottom of the post.
I went out the other day to get myself some new gloves, and some silver. Started on a ring I've had bouncing around in my head for a while.
Kind of inspired by something from the first Diablo game.
If I remember correctly, the ring that Grizwold sets the pieces of the meteorite into.
It was a simple band with stones set all around it, but either they were, or I imagined them being very irregularly shaped stones and I really liked that idea.
In the boxes of lapidary equipment my grandma gave me, I found a pouch of tiny, little, tumbled garnets. It looks like they were either going to be beads or were rejects from others that were turned into beads.
Some of them have fractures in them, some are just spotty, a few are quite clear, but they're all very dark.
I picked out some of the better ones and I'm going to set them. I carved out little seats for them inside their bezels. I think it'll work well.
I've been doing a lot of thinking about what and where I draw my inspiration from. I feel like I had a look at one point, or was on my way to developing my look, but I can't find it in any of my old sketches or anything.
I watched thee bonus material on the second DVD in my Alien quadrilogy. It was really need to see how so many people's ideas came together for it, but also it was neat to see so much of H.R. Giger's work, his home, hear so much of where he gets his inspiration from.
That helped me in a couple ways.
First, in looking at the pieces he's made, you see that his life is his art. It's not just paintings, or sculptures, it his dinner table and chairs, it's the decor of his rooms, it's everything.
It made me remember that at one point I viewed myself as a piece of art, or at least a canvas, or clay, or some sort of medium, and that I was sculpting myself to be what I saw in my mind and wanted to be, in the way I looked, the clothes I wore, maybe even my furniture.
I can't just use jewellery as my artistic outlet. I need to have as many outlets as I can so when something comes to mind, I can make it real and immerse myself in the world I want to build for myself which should serve to inspire me further.
This all reminded me of some of the designs I had kicking around for clothing I wanted to make. So I ordered the material I need to make another long coat. But now I need a sewing machine.
The second way it helped me was quoted as saying that he's afraid of the things he sees and creates. I was astonished to find out that we was actually afraid of snakes and worms. As in, they give him the shivers.
It was refreshing because now, if people want to be dark and mysterious, they're not afraid of anything dark or morbid, they surround themselves in these things because they like them(Or they want people to think they like them.)
But back to how it helps me. It was about the things he sees, his visions.
Now he may be a lot more messed up in the head than I am, but I've imagined some crazy things in the past.
It got me thinking back to old dreams I've had that really stuck with me.
One I had when I was about 7 years old, involving this big steampunky kinda robot.
Another from when I was about 12 involved me going into the future to prevent my adult self from going into some sort of test chamber where I was going to be killed by this electric energy dog thing.
All of which I can attribute to the video games I was playing at the time, because my adult self looked suspiciously like Stephan from One Must Fall. The test chamber looked kinda like some of the arenas too.
Then the electric energy dog's 'skin' looked like the water from the original Doom. Except it was transparent.
It would be invisible, then it would flicker like lightning and slowly fade again.
Those are the things I'd like to draw on for inspiration.
Alien it's self is an inspiration to me. I grew up with it.
I got the action figures when I was 9, even though the first two movies scared me too much to watch them all the way through.
I'd read the comic books and have nightmares. Sometimes I'd just have nightmares about alien for no reason.
So yesterday I finally caved and went to the Cask Night at the bar around the corner from work, even though I knew nobody else was going to come. I went anyway. It was worth it. The beer was awesome.
I sampled a few others as they have this 'Sample four beers for $8' thing going on.
I got really drunk because I didn't eat enough before hand and drank really quickly.
Then I went over to the girl's place, drank more and watched Airplane too.. I was really smashed.
Anyway. Here's the fish!
I miss having a goldfish tank. They're beautiful fish, but they produce so much ammonia waste.