Sooo.... A day or two after thanks giving I noticed there were two new fish in our fish tank. I assumed one of the room mates bought them.
A week goes by before we discover that nobody living in the house bought them. Everybody assumed it was the other room mate than the one they asked.
We still don't know where they came from. Nobody or their girlfriends have fessed up.
But the other day, the one we called 'Lola' was looking particularly lethargic and the next day I cam home, she was gone. So I guess she died and one of the roomies took her out... Or, the fish have worm hole technology. Maybe the fish tanks are like stargates.
That would explain what happened to one of our earlier fish that just seemed to disappear into thin air... Err thin water.
I say 'Particularly lethargic' because I was always worried about her. I'd often find her sitting on the bottom of the tank, though she seemed to swim just fine.
I've been pretty lazy lately. Becoming a bit of a shut in and it's getting me down. Maybe the rainy weather is just getting to me already.
It's annoying because I just discovered a bunch of new things I can do for my jewellery, like that I can carve small stones using my dremel and diamond bits.
I'm shaping this little chunk of some really fiery orange stone which I forget the name of, into a heart. Which I'm going to some how set into a ribcage pendant I made years ago that always seemed to be lacking something. This should do the trick.
I still need to get a hold of some tin oxide so I can give it a proper polish. Might need to go over it with something a bit finer than the diamond bits first too.
But in spite of this revelation of my abilities, I'm lacking inspiration.
I've been trying everything, music, video games and movies that seem to have inspired me in the past.
It's a struggle.
Seen a few movies lately. Saw the Toystory double feature in the nice big theatre. That was cool to see.
Also saw Where the Wild Things Are, which was also awesome. They captured my childhood quite well.
The girl's come down with something. I went over the other day with soup and juice. We watched the last of the LOTR movies which we had been working our way through over the week prior. I didn't seem to catch it from her, but the cold got worse the day after. She said she felt a bit better yesterday than sunday, so hopefully she'll be well by Halloween.
What the hell am I doing for halloween?
I have hardly any of my costume stuff here. Just my military gear which I'm not crazy about wearing out on halloween, then my purple dragon and wizard's cap.
I'm probably going to do something with those. But it's not a complete costume.
I need a cloak and preferably some sort of coat under it. The purple dragon is a huge hit with children and drunks alike, so I'll see what I can do.
Girl and I have decided we both need to make more friends. She only has people from work. I should be hanging out with people from my work.
She wants to come with if the SGBC crowd does anything friday night. I hope I have sunday off. But I'm not going to counting on it.
My fire cement arrived today. Going to try to whip up a little furnace or enclosure so that i can melt silver.
That should give me the gumption to finish a few projects. I just hope it jumpstarts the ol' imagination too.
Well that's my bi-weekly mumbling.
A week goes by before we discover that nobody living in the house bought them. Everybody assumed it was the other room mate than the one they asked.
We still don't know where they came from. Nobody or their girlfriends have fessed up.
But the other day, the one we called 'Lola' was looking particularly lethargic and the next day I cam home, she was gone. So I guess she died and one of the roomies took her out... Or, the fish have worm hole technology. Maybe the fish tanks are like stargates.
That would explain what happened to one of our earlier fish that just seemed to disappear into thin air... Err thin water.
I say 'Particularly lethargic' because I was always worried about her. I'd often find her sitting on the bottom of the tank, though she seemed to swim just fine.
I've been pretty lazy lately. Becoming a bit of a shut in and it's getting me down. Maybe the rainy weather is just getting to me already.
It's annoying because I just discovered a bunch of new things I can do for my jewellery, like that I can carve small stones using my dremel and diamond bits.
I'm shaping this little chunk of some really fiery orange stone which I forget the name of, into a heart. Which I'm going to some how set into a ribcage pendant I made years ago that always seemed to be lacking something. This should do the trick.
I still need to get a hold of some tin oxide so I can give it a proper polish. Might need to go over it with something a bit finer than the diamond bits first too.
But in spite of this revelation of my abilities, I'm lacking inspiration.
I've been trying everything, music, video games and movies that seem to have inspired me in the past.
It's a struggle.
Seen a few movies lately. Saw the Toystory double feature in the nice big theatre. That was cool to see.
Also saw Where the Wild Things Are, which was also awesome. They captured my childhood quite well.
The girl's come down with something. I went over the other day with soup and juice. We watched the last of the LOTR movies which we had been working our way through over the week prior. I didn't seem to catch it from her, but the cold got worse the day after. She said she felt a bit better yesterday than sunday, so hopefully she'll be well by Halloween.
What the hell am I doing for halloween?
I have hardly any of my costume stuff here. Just my military gear which I'm not crazy about wearing out on halloween, then my purple dragon and wizard's cap.
I'm probably going to do something with those. But it's not a complete costume.
I need a cloak and preferably some sort of coat under it. The purple dragon is a huge hit with children and drunks alike, so I'll see what I can do.
Girl and I have decided we both need to make more friends. She only has people from work. I should be hanging out with people from my work.
She wants to come with if the SGBC crowd does anything friday night. I hope I have sunday off. But I'm not going to counting on it.
My fire cement arrived today. Going to try to whip up a little furnace or enclosure so that i can melt silver.
That should give me the gumption to finish a few projects. I just hope it jumpstarts the ol' imagination too.
Well that's my bi-weekly mumbling.
I knew fish had Stargate tech!
I was thinking that it was a dense star in the core of the fish that allowed for space folding... glad to know that I wasn't far off.