Everything's coming up Moonrabbit!
Two days in a row my boss calls me into his office.... AAAH!
Day one: Reviews are usually after six months, but things are going to be getting busy for the next couple months so I get mine early. Four months I've been working there, he gives me a $1/hr raise. He says he prefers to give raises to the people who deserve it rather than absolutely have to give one to someone who's just been there a while.
Day Two: We have a quarterly contest among the staff where we can nominate other employees for doing something above and beyond what they're required to do.
I had five nominations. So I won a $100 gift certificate at a store I choose from a list.
I figured out who sells PS3s and got one for there.
I know who wrote at least three, maybe all of the nominations. She has an Alice in Wonderland collage tattooed down one arm, so I'm going to make her a little silver moon charm that looks like teeth as a thank you.
I can't say I love my job, but I love the place I work, and the people I work with.
Also! We're having a donation drive for a local women's health hospital... Aaaaand we had a bunch of special bonus packs that weren't selling.
So we ripped them all apart and put price tags on them, but all the money goes to the donation drive.
So they had sample packs of this really awesome antiperspirant which I think has been discontinued from the shelf, but I was able to get 10 of them for $1 each. The sticks of this stuff ran for $11 normally, which is probably why it got discontinued. Who'd spend that for antiperspirant?
That's right. I get excited over old spice.
They did the same thing for the perfume and cologne sample bottles(which hardly get used). Normally I wouldn't go for cologne, but this one was apparently a very expensive one and if nothing else, I liked the bottle. for $2 I couldn't go wrong. I don't think it smells particularly special, but I'll save it for dressy occasions.
It's called B*MEN by Thierry Mulgar. When I looked it up, the retail was $100 but usually selling for half that.
I think my credit card thing's sorted out. I should be getting my new one shortly!
It's from work so every time I buy things with it, I get points to spend at work... They sell the Wii at my work.
Here's the plan. Get the new credit card, pay off what I owe on the other credit card with the new one, which I'm pretty sure gets me points.
Then, I buy my shotgun hopefully. Also, with the $100 gift certificate I got, I buy my PS3 plus games, so more points. THEN! that should give me enough for $130 off my Wii from work! I don't know if it'll happen all at once, but it'll happen!
Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow! I'm going to make Duck and Pumpkin Pie for the girl and I.
But instead of using nutmeg in the pie, I think I'm going to substitute rum. I've been drinking this stuff called 'Sailor Jerry's' and it's sooooooo good. It tastes amazing on it's own, but add it to coke and it tastes like Vanilla coke. You hardly taste the alcohol. I think it'll be good in pie.
We rented Battle for Terra the other day. I had heard about it in the theatres and was waiting for it to come out, but then we were in the video store and there it was on DVD already. I thought it was going to be a bigger deal.
It was very beautiful to watch, really nice music. Very little character development, seemed a little rushed, I'm very disappointed by the lack of an interspecies romance there, but over all I liked it. Very cute.
Also rented Defiance a little while back. Not that great akshully.
Was expecting more epic. But it wasn't bad.
Mmmk. Me go eat, clean up a bit and play Max Payne until the girl gets here. Had it for a while but never played it. I just need something to tide me over until I get the PS3.
Two days in a row my boss calls me into his office.... AAAH!
Day one: Reviews are usually after six months, but things are going to be getting busy for the next couple months so I get mine early. Four months I've been working there, he gives me a $1/hr raise. He says he prefers to give raises to the people who deserve it rather than absolutely have to give one to someone who's just been there a while.
Day Two: We have a quarterly contest among the staff where we can nominate other employees for doing something above and beyond what they're required to do.
I had five nominations. So I won a $100 gift certificate at a store I choose from a list.
I figured out who sells PS3s and got one for there.
I know who wrote at least three, maybe all of the nominations. She has an Alice in Wonderland collage tattooed down one arm, so I'm going to make her a little silver moon charm that looks like teeth as a thank you.
I can't say I love my job, but I love the place I work, and the people I work with.
Also! We're having a donation drive for a local women's health hospital... Aaaaand we had a bunch of special bonus packs that weren't selling.
So we ripped them all apart and put price tags on them, but all the money goes to the donation drive.
So they had sample packs of this really awesome antiperspirant which I think has been discontinued from the shelf, but I was able to get 10 of them for $1 each. The sticks of this stuff ran for $11 normally, which is probably why it got discontinued. Who'd spend that for antiperspirant?
That's right. I get excited over old spice.
They did the same thing for the perfume and cologne sample bottles(which hardly get used). Normally I wouldn't go for cologne, but this one was apparently a very expensive one and if nothing else, I liked the bottle. for $2 I couldn't go wrong. I don't think it smells particularly special, but I'll save it for dressy occasions.
It's called B*MEN by Thierry Mulgar. When I looked it up, the retail was $100 but usually selling for half that.
I think my credit card thing's sorted out. I should be getting my new one shortly!
It's from work so every time I buy things with it, I get points to spend at work... They sell the Wii at my work.
Here's the plan. Get the new credit card, pay off what I owe on the other credit card with the new one, which I'm pretty sure gets me points.
Then, I buy my shotgun hopefully. Also, with the $100 gift certificate I got, I buy my PS3 plus games, so more points. THEN! that should give me enough for $130 off my Wii from work! I don't know if it'll happen all at once, but it'll happen!
Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow! I'm going to make Duck and Pumpkin Pie for the girl and I.
But instead of using nutmeg in the pie, I think I'm going to substitute rum. I've been drinking this stuff called 'Sailor Jerry's' and it's sooooooo good. It tastes amazing on it's own, but add it to coke and it tastes like Vanilla coke. You hardly taste the alcohol. I think it'll be good in pie.
We rented Battle for Terra the other day. I had heard about it in the theatres and was waiting for it to come out, but then we were in the video store and there it was on DVD already. I thought it was going to be a bigger deal.
It was very beautiful to watch, really nice music. Very little character development, seemed a little rushed, I'm very disappointed by the lack of an interspecies romance there, but over all I liked it. Very cute.
Also rented Defiance a little while back. Not that great akshully.
Was expecting more epic. But it wasn't bad.
Mmmk. Me go eat, clean up a bit and play Max Payne until the girl gets here. Had it for a while but never played it. I just need something to tide me over until I get the PS3.

Sweet! Congrats with the work stuffs! That sort of thing always makes me happy. I too also find that work never rocks as much as the friends you make at work. I've worked some of my jobs solely because of who I was working with. Man...at my last job, my boss was a huge prick. But the people I worked with were great. It made the job workable. Battle for Terra...I've heard the name, but don't recall anything else. I might have to look it up. Hope you have a great long weekend!

nice, it's always so refreshing to hear good news! keep it up!