Ok. Time for a good ol' fashion blog typin'.
You know, the kind that some bozo who has nothing better to do but write about things he is completely uninvolved in would write. My take on worldly events and what not.
But first. The Beats'n'Babes review!
A bunch of us from the SGBC group planned to meet at the Moose before hand. Me being the over-punctual type thought 8:00 was a great time to meet up. When the show was at 10:00.
I showed up even earlier of course, didn't want anyone to miss me. I finished my first beer at 10 to 8:00.
Thought to myself I was going to be spending a lot that night.
Luckily, Papaspank arrived shortly after 8:00 with his girlfriend. So we mingled, we each ordered a Pabst and discussed how it is really the Multi-National first thing that comes to mindd when you think Cheap Beer, and how we've all had worse things than Pabst.
Then Sn0bunnie got there, followed by Scryer, then one more girl, but I was way too drunk to remember who she was. Might have been DagnyTaggart I know she was the one running around taking pictures at the cellar where it was darker, but this girl had glasses, and Dagny didn't when I saw her later.(If you're reading this, please confirm this for me. I would like to piece that night together a bit better.)
Anyway, whoever she was, she was pretty interesting. She got us talking about our favourite books.( I don't have many.) I ordered some awesome nachos, Interesting Girl ordered fries. Tita popped in to say hi, then came back later to sell us tickets, give us signed photos... She said when she was trying to come up with creative things to write, all that was running through her head were things from text books she was studying on the way over. So I said that;s what I wanted on my picture. It's awesome.
She brought two others with her. I honestly didn't remember/couldn't hear who they were then. I'm pretty sure one was S_Eldorado because he posted in my last blog that he did meet me, and though it's all kinda foggy, I do remember quite a bit of that night, but don't recall formally meeting anyone else. So I'll assume it was him.
So then we all headed over to the Cellar. Once we got in there, I pretty well gave up on trying to get acquainted with the other SG members who were there, because I could barely even hear myself when I yelled to order my drinks.
I discreetly pocketed as much free Jagermeister swag as I could. Even though I really don't like Jagermeister at all. Avoided the free shots like the plague, but still rub-on tattooed both arrms.
It was a Hip Hop show for the most part, so I didn't expect much. The only reason I can even stand hip hop is because when I first got my job, I was trying very very hard not to spend any money until I had a few pay cheques behind me. So as a diversion, I started playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. That acclimated me to the hip-hop beat somewhat.
The first performer was ok. He was white, but this is a big new city to me. Back in my old town, I'd have called any white guy who sang hip-hop a poser, because Kingston's ghetto was nothing but trashy white rednecks. The black people who were in the city were only there at all because they were High-ups in wealthy businesses that were moving to town. So who am I to say that in Vancouver, you wouldn't have people growing up genuinely immersed in this kind of culture.
I gave him his dues.
But Project... Man, Project was freaking awesome... Ok getting ahead of myself.
First there was an SG performance. It was fantastic. Now forgive me, because I really don't know who it was performing. I can't match her to any faces of members I'm aware of. But it was an awesome act. At one point the tosses her pin-stripped fedora into the crowd, and it lands at my feet. So I put it on.
After she's done, I'm looking for her to give it back, but Tita said she figured it was going to get lost so I should enjoy it a a souvenir. I liked that answer.
So then Project comes on. This was good stuff. He wanted everybody out on the dance floor, so I straightened my new hat, threw on my sunglasses and I obliged. He wanted to hear some noise, so I obliged. My voice is still scratchy, it's a wonder I could even speak the next day. I was stomping and jumping. I almost let my braid out and head banged for this guy he was that good. There must have been come magic, or possibly crack in that pin-striped hat I found, because putting it on was like a licence to go nuts.
I think I'm going to get his album when it comes out. I wonder if any of the indie singers ever release their stuff on Vinyl?
After Project was Tita. Her act was short and sweet... Kinda like her. She kinda reminds me of the girl on this T-shirt which I own. She should totally do some WW2 style, plastered on the side of a bomber kinda pin up girl shots. She fits the bill beautifully.
After Tita's act I was pretty hammered. It was 12:15 and I had to work the next morning. Papaspank, his girlfriend and I shared a cab as we discovered we just missed the last sunday night skytrain.
That was the end of an amazing night. I met some awesome people and I like to think I helped to bring the SGBC group one step closer to being as active as the SG Canada East Group.
Next, we need to have a beer tasting night!
I survived the next day at work. I might have still been drunk for the first couple hours. But I lived.
Ok so on to that blogging I mentioned.
First of all, I'd like to start by saying that you guys have some pretty wimpy insects here in BC.
I mean your bumblebees! They're such pussies! Number one,l they're tiny. The ones back home were the size of junebugs. But that's another thing! Your junebugs here are tiny too! So yes, your bumblebees are the size of your teeny little junebugs!
Ontario bumblebees and junebugs are at least an inch long!
I was watering my garden the other day and when I moved to my herbs I saw that a bumblebee was on my oregano flowers and tried to fly away, but after getting a little wet from the hose on the shower setting, he falls to the ground and clings to a blade of grass like his life depended on it! Come on!
The hose on full stream is barely enough to dissuade the bumblebees back home! You can full on hose them into the side of the house and they fly out as if nothing happened!
I was starting to think that all your insects were teeny little weaklings. But then today, I saw a dead slug on the side walk. That fucker must have been at least two inches long! And he had a pattern in his leathery hide?
That was one motherfucking big slug! Ontario slugs are barely half an inch. So I've regained some of my respect for BC creepy crawlies.
Next on my rant, Russia.
Am I completely misreading the signs here, or are we looking at potential war with Russia, Denmark and Norway over Arctic resources.
This is kind of scary. I mean, Canada hasn't been involved in a land dispute with any major foreign powers since before it was a country. Hell if I'm not mistaken, it's been almost two hundred years. 1812 wasn't it?
Here we are building military presence over resources that are becoming available due to the Arctic melting, and I can't say I entirely disagree with that. I mean, the resources are going to go somewhere. Out of all the major players here, I think I trust Canada the most, seeing as we are the most sparsely populated.
But Russia, Denmark and Norway, all doing the same thing. Russia who we only recently signed treaties with over the use of nuclear weapons. Who not 50 years ago we were trying to develop 'Gay-Detectors' so we would weed potential targets for blackmail out of positions of power.
It's a real kick in the nuts when you're reminded that ideas of world peace are so easily shattered when resources become scarce.
This to me is one major chapter in the closest thing the developed world has to a prophecy.
Too many people, not enough resources to go around.
What's next, chasing each other out of the disputed land/waters with greater military presence, finally beefed up so much that the only thing left to do is fire warning shots, then attack, there are skirmishes, then all out war? Is that where this is headed? Even the US wants part of the Arctic and has disputed Canada's claim to it. Would we ally ourselves with the US and share the resources? Export them to the US like we already do with our current natural resources? If anyone but Obama was president I'd worry about them trying to annex us(which may not be so bad, akshully. At least under Obama.)
But hey. 2019 is when we expect to have or military force built up to the levels we want. Who knows what nutjobs will be in power then.
It could play out exactly the way Fallout says it will.
There's only two things I can think of that will fix this situation. Good news or bad news first?... I'll go with the good news, because it's not terribly easy to accomplish.
We need to stop breeding so god damned much. It needs to be a hell of a lot easier for a guy to get a vasectomy around here so he can enjoy the prime of his life and know he didn't contribute to the over-population and eventual destruction of the world.
Included with this, is that we need to get people turned off of the idea that the best thing they will ever contribute to this world is a baby who may or may not fix all the world's problems.
Get over it. The zealots stick by this bit that God said "Go forth and reproduce." If anyone was still listening to God then I'm sure they'd be hearing "Stop already! You're destroying my creation, ya' schmucks!"
Ok, so aside from a huge movement to get people to stop breeding so much. The only other fix is a mass die off. Maybe we do need a war. I've heard that China needs an excuse to go to war. China apparently has too many men and not enough women. They need a war so they can draft some of the men and kill them off. Or risk a very large, very depressed number of men in their country.
In my opinion the whole world should follow suit, sep with equality of the sexes. After all, I like a woman in uniform.
Hey! H1N1 could make a comeback, maybe.
It gets hard to think about some of this stuff because I don't want to see people I care about in danger.
II think I'd prefer a war, it's easier to prepare for war than it is to prepare for plague. Also, it's unlikely that the war would come to established Canadian soil. We'd just the shipping our people off to the meat grinder.
Besides, we need another generation of fighters. People already seem to have forgotten WW2. Or at least the lessons learned from it, if they ever knew them.
But there, the line was pretty easy for much of the world to see. Hitler wanted the world, he was mad, he was the last super villain. Japan wanted land. They wanted to break out of their island continent, the only way to do that was to take land from others.
But with 2,000,000,000 people put on this earth in my lifetime, soon every country is going to want to break out and take what they can for themselves.
I forgot, there's one more fix. A fix my sisters and I used to play out in the woods where I grew up when we were children. We need to break out of our planet and colonise other worlds.
It's so stupidly obvious that this is the next step yet nobody but the most wealthy corporations who stand to profit off it are investing any time or money into it.
There we go. That's the answer to the Arctic dilemma.
We need to join with the other countries and pool that last cache of resources into finding renewable energy for the whole world and paving the way into space so that we can breed freely without having to destroy ecosystems to give them homes.
That's not going to happen though. War is the only thing we know works for certain.
We have a war, technology advances because we need a better way to defeat the enemy, the population spends half a century recovering from it, each generation thinking it knows the meaning off peace, but doing nothing to maintain it, until finally forgetting why and when to fight, rolling over to whatever power hungry mob happens to have played the system long enough to get into government and the cycle repeats.
The more I type and the more I drink, the more I want to go out and buy that rifle I've been eyeing up.
The rifle I plan on naming Matilda, after a young Natalie Portman's role in The Professional.
I suspect the character was also the inspiration for the name of Leon Kennedy's VP-70 from the Resident Evil Franchise. I decided to name my rifle that before I figured that out though.
Because you see I thought that if I were ever to have two daughters. I'd name them Haley(After Ellen Page's character in Hard Candy.) And Matilda. As I thought those were how I would want my daughters to turn out.
But as I have already expressed my feelings about reproduction, I decided I would name my guns instead.
Matilda will most likely be a CZ-858 and Haley a shotgun, which I think I have decided will be a Mossberg 500.
Soon. I want to pay off some bills first, and I still have a little while before war is likely to break out.
I better go. The liquor store closes in less than an hour and I'm running low.
Sorry to darken that otherwise lighthearted, happy blog!
Who wants to go see G.I.Joe with me!?
You know, the kind that some bozo who has nothing better to do but write about things he is completely uninvolved in would write. My take on worldly events and what not.
But first. The Beats'n'Babes review!
A bunch of us from the SGBC group planned to meet at the Moose before hand. Me being the over-punctual type thought 8:00 was a great time to meet up. When the show was at 10:00.
I showed up even earlier of course, didn't want anyone to miss me. I finished my first beer at 10 to 8:00.
Thought to myself I was going to be spending a lot that night.
Luckily, Papaspank arrived shortly after 8:00 with his girlfriend. So we mingled, we each ordered a Pabst and discussed how it is really the Multi-National first thing that comes to mindd when you think Cheap Beer, and how we've all had worse things than Pabst.
Then Sn0bunnie got there, followed by Scryer, then one more girl, but I was way too drunk to remember who she was. Might have been DagnyTaggart I know she was the one running around taking pictures at the cellar where it was darker, but this girl had glasses, and Dagny didn't when I saw her later.(If you're reading this, please confirm this for me. I would like to piece that night together a bit better.)
Anyway, whoever she was, she was pretty interesting. She got us talking about our favourite books.( I don't have many.) I ordered some awesome nachos, Interesting Girl ordered fries. Tita popped in to say hi, then came back later to sell us tickets, give us signed photos... She said when she was trying to come up with creative things to write, all that was running through her head were things from text books she was studying on the way over. So I said that;s what I wanted on my picture. It's awesome.
She brought two others with her. I honestly didn't remember/couldn't hear who they were then. I'm pretty sure one was S_Eldorado because he posted in my last blog that he did meet me, and though it's all kinda foggy, I do remember quite a bit of that night, but don't recall formally meeting anyone else. So I'll assume it was him.
So then we all headed over to the Cellar. Once we got in there, I pretty well gave up on trying to get acquainted with the other SG members who were there, because I could barely even hear myself when I yelled to order my drinks.
I discreetly pocketed as much free Jagermeister swag as I could. Even though I really don't like Jagermeister at all. Avoided the free shots like the plague, but still rub-on tattooed both arrms.
It was a Hip Hop show for the most part, so I didn't expect much. The only reason I can even stand hip hop is because when I first got my job, I was trying very very hard not to spend any money until I had a few pay cheques behind me. So as a diversion, I started playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. That acclimated me to the hip-hop beat somewhat.
The first performer was ok. He was white, but this is a big new city to me. Back in my old town, I'd have called any white guy who sang hip-hop a poser, because Kingston's ghetto was nothing but trashy white rednecks. The black people who were in the city were only there at all because they were High-ups in wealthy businesses that were moving to town. So who am I to say that in Vancouver, you wouldn't have people growing up genuinely immersed in this kind of culture.
I gave him his dues.
But Project... Man, Project was freaking awesome... Ok getting ahead of myself.
First there was an SG performance. It was fantastic. Now forgive me, because I really don't know who it was performing. I can't match her to any faces of members I'm aware of. But it was an awesome act. At one point the tosses her pin-stripped fedora into the crowd, and it lands at my feet. So I put it on.
After she's done, I'm looking for her to give it back, but Tita said she figured it was going to get lost so I should enjoy it a a souvenir. I liked that answer.
So then Project comes on. This was good stuff. He wanted everybody out on the dance floor, so I straightened my new hat, threw on my sunglasses and I obliged. He wanted to hear some noise, so I obliged. My voice is still scratchy, it's a wonder I could even speak the next day. I was stomping and jumping. I almost let my braid out and head banged for this guy he was that good. There must have been come magic, or possibly crack in that pin-striped hat I found, because putting it on was like a licence to go nuts.
I think I'm going to get his album when it comes out. I wonder if any of the indie singers ever release their stuff on Vinyl?
After Project was Tita. Her act was short and sweet... Kinda like her. She kinda reminds me of the girl on this T-shirt which I own. She should totally do some WW2 style, plastered on the side of a bomber kinda pin up girl shots. She fits the bill beautifully.
After Tita's act I was pretty hammered. It was 12:15 and I had to work the next morning. Papaspank, his girlfriend and I shared a cab as we discovered we just missed the last sunday night skytrain.
That was the end of an amazing night. I met some awesome people and I like to think I helped to bring the SGBC group one step closer to being as active as the SG Canada East Group.
Next, we need to have a beer tasting night!
I survived the next day at work. I might have still been drunk for the first couple hours. But I lived.
Ok so on to that blogging I mentioned.
First of all, I'd like to start by saying that you guys have some pretty wimpy insects here in BC.
I mean your bumblebees! They're such pussies! Number one,l they're tiny. The ones back home were the size of junebugs. But that's another thing! Your junebugs here are tiny too! So yes, your bumblebees are the size of your teeny little junebugs!
Ontario bumblebees and junebugs are at least an inch long!
I was watering my garden the other day and when I moved to my herbs I saw that a bumblebee was on my oregano flowers and tried to fly away, but after getting a little wet from the hose on the shower setting, he falls to the ground and clings to a blade of grass like his life depended on it! Come on!
The hose on full stream is barely enough to dissuade the bumblebees back home! You can full on hose them into the side of the house and they fly out as if nothing happened!
I was starting to think that all your insects were teeny little weaklings. But then today, I saw a dead slug on the side walk. That fucker must have been at least two inches long! And he had a pattern in his leathery hide?
That was one motherfucking big slug! Ontario slugs are barely half an inch. So I've regained some of my respect for BC creepy crawlies.
Next on my rant, Russia.
Am I completely misreading the signs here, or are we looking at potential war with Russia, Denmark and Norway over Arctic resources.
This is kind of scary. I mean, Canada hasn't been involved in a land dispute with any major foreign powers since before it was a country. Hell if I'm not mistaken, it's been almost two hundred years. 1812 wasn't it?
Here we are building military presence over resources that are becoming available due to the Arctic melting, and I can't say I entirely disagree with that. I mean, the resources are going to go somewhere. Out of all the major players here, I think I trust Canada the most, seeing as we are the most sparsely populated.
But Russia, Denmark and Norway, all doing the same thing. Russia who we only recently signed treaties with over the use of nuclear weapons. Who not 50 years ago we were trying to develop 'Gay-Detectors' so we would weed potential targets for blackmail out of positions of power.
It's a real kick in the nuts when you're reminded that ideas of world peace are so easily shattered when resources become scarce.
This to me is one major chapter in the closest thing the developed world has to a prophecy.
Too many people, not enough resources to go around.
What's next, chasing each other out of the disputed land/waters with greater military presence, finally beefed up so much that the only thing left to do is fire warning shots, then attack, there are skirmishes, then all out war? Is that where this is headed? Even the US wants part of the Arctic and has disputed Canada's claim to it. Would we ally ourselves with the US and share the resources? Export them to the US like we already do with our current natural resources? If anyone but Obama was president I'd worry about them trying to annex us(which may not be so bad, akshully. At least under Obama.)
But hey. 2019 is when we expect to have or military force built up to the levels we want. Who knows what nutjobs will be in power then.
It could play out exactly the way Fallout says it will.
There's only two things I can think of that will fix this situation. Good news or bad news first?... I'll go with the good news, because it's not terribly easy to accomplish.
We need to stop breeding so god damned much. It needs to be a hell of a lot easier for a guy to get a vasectomy around here so he can enjoy the prime of his life and know he didn't contribute to the over-population and eventual destruction of the world.
Included with this, is that we need to get people turned off of the idea that the best thing they will ever contribute to this world is a baby who may or may not fix all the world's problems.
Get over it. The zealots stick by this bit that God said "Go forth and reproduce." If anyone was still listening to God then I'm sure they'd be hearing "Stop already! You're destroying my creation, ya' schmucks!"
Ok, so aside from a huge movement to get people to stop breeding so much. The only other fix is a mass die off. Maybe we do need a war. I've heard that China needs an excuse to go to war. China apparently has too many men and not enough women. They need a war so they can draft some of the men and kill them off. Or risk a very large, very depressed number of men in their country.
In my opinion the whole world should follow suit, sep with equality of the sexes. After all, I like a woman in uniform.
Hey! H1N1 could make a comeback, maybe.
It gets hard to think about some of this stuff because I don't want to see people I care about in danger.
II think I'd prefer a war, it's easier to prepare for war than it is to prepare for plague. Also, it's unlikely that the war would come to established Canadian soil. We'd just the shipping our people off to the meat grinder.
Besides, we need another generation of fighters. People already seem to have forgotten WW2. Or at least the lessons learned from it, if they ever knew them.
But there, the line was pretty easy for much of the world to see. Hitler wanted the world, he was mad, he was the last super villain. Japan wanted land. They wanted to break out of their island continent, the only way to do that was to take land from others.
But with 2,000,000,000 people put on this earth in my lifetime, soon every country is going to want to break out and take what they can for themselves.
I forgot, there's one more fix. A fix my sisters and I used to play out in the woods where I grew up when we were children. We need to break out of our planet and colonise other worlds.
It's so stupidly obvious that this is the next step yet nobody but the most wealthy corporations who stand to profit off it are investing any time or money into it.
There we go. That's the answer to the Arctic dilemma.
We need to join with the other countries and pool that last cache of resources into finding renewable energy for the whole world and paving the way into space so that we can breed freely without having to destroy ecosystems to give them homes.
That's not going to happen though. War is the only thing we know works for certain.
We have a war, technology advances because we need a better way to defeat the enemy, the population spends half a century recovering from it, each generation thinking it knows the meaning off peace, but doing nothing to maintain it, until finally forgetting why and when to fight, rolling over to whatever power hungry mob happens to have played the system long enough to get into government and the cycle repeats.
The more I type and the more I drink, the more I want to go out and buy that rifle I've been eyeing up.
The rifle I plan on naming Matilda, after a young Natalie Portman's role in The Professional.
I suspect the character was also the inspiration for the name of Leon Kennedy's VP-70 from the Resident Evil Franchise. I decided to name my rifle that before I figured that out though.
Because you see I thought that if I were ever to have two daughters. I'd name them Haley(After Ellen Page's character in Hard Candy.) And Matilda. As I thought those were how I would want my daughters to turn out.
But as I have already expressed my feelings about reproduction, I decided I would name my guns instead.
Matilda will most likely be a CZ-858 and Haley a shotgun, which I think I have decided will be a Mossberg 500.
Soon. I want to pay off some bills first, and I still have a little while before war is likely to break out.
I better go. The liquor store closes in less than an hour and I'm running low.
Sorry to darken that otherwise lighthearted, happy blog!
Who wants to go see G.I.Joe with me!?
Thanks so much for the blow by blow on our Beats N Babes night
Ooh~ and I'm working on my "creativity" staring tomorrow
Last exam is in one hour!!
The insects are bigger in Ontario because there are more pollutants and what not there. Things are more natural here. Sort of like: why are girls breasts bigger now than they were 20 years ago? The answer? All those hormones they pump into the cows and all of the other crap they add to it now a days.
Yes, the world is overpopulated. I'd love to space travel. Sadly our space traveling powers are sort of like Edmonton's (and Windsor's) transit system. Lame. Unfortunately humanity got it into their thick skulls that expansionism, among other things, would be a good idea. War would not be a good idea, it never is. However, I can see disaster in the form of natural or artificial causes. We've sucked this planet dry and arn't exactly treading lightly upon it. I'm just waiting for x bio-engineering company to accidentally release x. you know...just like how it happens in the movies. At which point, I would like to recommend that you find your favorite weapon of choice and ready yourself for the zombie apocalypse....
The Professional. That was a good movie. Or I remember it being good. I haven't seen it in at least ten years. Annnnd now I shower.