Well, that's the end of that vacation.
Seemed like it was going slowly to start, which was good. Once that first week was over it seemed like it went by too quickly. But after another full week it feels like I've been here a while and can stand to leave and get back to preparing for the move. Over all it was satisfying.
So lessee... Where did I leave off?
I think I was about ready to go to the Sportsman show in Toronto with Dad.
That was cool. Bought me a pair of pants and a Pentagonlight. Also some Kangaroo pepperetts and venisin sausage.
Lots of nice guns. Was half looking for that Henry AR-7 for some impulsive firearm purchasing.
Got to see that sweet remmington 700 with the triangular barrel. Me wanty.
I couldn't buy too much because then I'd have to ship it.
In one spot they had a bunch of live birds on display. One of the handlers was super cute.

Guh... Somehow, falcon-handler is a very attractive trait in a woman.
After that we went to the Steamwhistle Brewery.
That was cool. My favourite beer ever which they just pourr down your throat from the moment you get in.
Unfortunately I hadn't eaten anything more than an egg mcmuffin all day and that was about 6 hours prior.
So sadly, I could hardly handle more than about two and a half bottles or so worth of beer over the hour I was there.
I got a 4oz sample glass for the souvenier of the tour, then I bought a T-shirt and this awesome glass that they don't sell on the website. It's a Steamwhistle bottle that's been heated and the mouth widened so it's now a glass. It was sooooooo expensive, $18 but it was my special memento that I won't be able to get once I'm out west.
For some reason, once we got out of the tour, there were dogs... Yup, dogs in the bar. Not sure why. Think it had to do with the artist being showcased. But.... Dogs.
We visited my sis then stopped off in Kingston to pick up my rifle.
My friends came out on Saturday and we shot off all 200 rounds at some targets I made, propped some logs up against an old table and lined with tin cans.
Finally, my first time firing a gun. Took me long enough.

I plead ignorance to the power off a 7.62x54R sized round before firing it. This thing fired clean through some thick, dense logs.
Some of the rounds entered cleanly through one board, then you could see a perfectly bullet shaped cut out in the board behind it, splintering the wood where the bullet tumbled.

I put the table on it's side to take the pictures.
The next day we went out to the crystal mine. On the way, we stopped where we were shooting to see if we could find any of the bullets. I feel bad for what we did to the trees. A hole was blown clean through a birtch, so it will probably die.
There was an ironwood or something, somewhere around four or five inches thick, that took a tumbling bullet. Looks like someone took a dull, saw and sliced half way in, splindering it.
We did manage to find the jacket of one bullet, might still have some led in it.
It's for the most part intact, though flattened and warped, the back looks torn up. It's really cool.
But now it's time to get ready to leave.
I had a mathmatical problem earlier that took me longer to solve than I care to admit.
You see. I had two 12 packs of empty steamwhistle bottles.
I had a 24 of Labatt 50 and a six pack of Niagra Honeybrown.
I had one unfinished niagra honeybrown and six Labatts left. We wanted to stop at the beer store on the way in to town to return the bottles. So I could put the empty Niagras in the Labatt box and just take the labatts and the one honeybrown home, but then I'd only have 23 emptys in the box and the beer store doesn't like that. They already don't like it when the bottles are mixed but they can't tell that unless they look at them all individually.
Some undisclosed amount of time later it dawns on me. I could just have a sixth beer for the night and then take the six pack home. Duh... Maybe my drinking is affecting... My drinking.
That's about it. The fun is over and the adventure begins.
Going back in to town to finish packing and see some friends, gonna have a pub night. Bus girl wants to meet up once more. A long time friend who has had a crush on me since she saw me doesn't want me to go.
My friend Zach is back from England for Easter. We're heading to Ottawa so see our other friend before he goes to perform a play in Hong Hong, then dissapear into Cambodia for a while like Zach did.
I get back on the 12th, then head to Toronto with mom and the cats. Get them settled in, then on the 13th I'm gonna hang out with my ex whom I took to the Gala in 2007.
I was originally going to go to the brewery with her, and prolly will again. Just gonna eat a bit before hand this time.
If anybody wants to join, message me. I say we make a party of it.
Fly out at 6:00 on the 14th.
Might post again before I go. We'll see...
I will leave you with some pictures of the dogs around the camp fire. Just thought I'd share them.

Seemed like it was going slowly to start, which was good. Once that first week was over it seemed like it went by too quickly. But after another full week it feels like I've been here a while and can stand to leave and get back to preparing for the move. Over all it was satisfying.
So lessee... Where did I leave off?
I think I was about ready to go to the Sportsman show in Toronto with Dad.
That was cool. Bought me a pair of pants and a Pentagonlight. Also some Kangaroo pepperetts and venisin sausage.
Lots of nice guns. Was half looking for that Henry AR-7 for some impulsive firearm purchasing.
Got to see that sweet remmington 700 with the triangular barrel. Me wanty.
I couldn't buy too much because then I'd have to ship it.
In one spot they had a bunch of live birds on display. One of the handlers was super cute.

Guh... Somehow, falcon-handler is a very attractive trait in a woman.
After that we went to the Steamwhistle Brewery.
That was cool. My favourite beer ever which they just pourr down your throat from the moment you get in.
Unfortunately I hadn't eaten anything more than an egg mcmuffin all day and that was about 6 hours prior.
So sadly, I could hardly handle more than about two and a half bottles or so worth of beer over the hour I was there.
I got a 4oz sample glass for the souvenier of the tour, then I bought a T-shirt and this awesome glass that they don't sell on the website. It's a Steamwhistle bottle that's been heated and the mouth widened so it's now a glass. It was sooooooo expensive, $18 but it was my special memento that I won't be able to get once I'm out west.
For some reason, once we got out of the tour, there were dogs... Yup, dogs in the bar. Not sure why. Think it had to do with the artist being showcased. But.... Dogs.
We visited my sis then stopped off in Kingston to pick up my rifle.
My friends came out on Saturday and we shot off all 200 rounds at some targets I made, propped some logs up against an old table and lined with tin cans.
Finally, my first time firing a gun. Took me long enough.

I plead ignorance to the power off a 7.62x54R sized round before firing it. This thing fired clean through some thick, dense logs.
Some of the rounds entered cleanly through one board, then you could see a perfectly bullet shaped cut out in the board behind it, splintering the wood where the bullet tumbled.

I put the table on it's side to take the pictures.
The next day we went out to the crystal mine. On the way, we stopped where we were shooting to see if we could find any of the bullets. I feel bad for what we did to the trees. A hole was blown clean through a birtch, so it will probably die.
There was an ironwood or something, somewhere around four or five inches thick, that took a tumbling bullet. Looks like someone took a dull, saw and sliced half way in, splindering it.
We did manage to find the jacket of one bullet, might still have some led in it.
It's for the most part intact, though flattened and warped, the back looks torn up. It's really cool.
But now it's time to get ready to leave.
I had a mathmatical problem earlier that took me longer to solve than I care to admit.
You see. I had two 12 packs of empty steamwhistle bottles.
I had a 24 of Labatt 50 and a six pack of Niagra Honeybrown.
I had one unfinished niagra honeybrown and six Labatts left. We wanted to stop at the beer store on the way in to town to return the bottles. So I could put the empty Niagras in the Labatt box and just take the labatts and the one honeybrown home, but then I'd only have 23 emptys in the box and the beer store doesn't like that. They already don't like it when the bottles are mixed but they can't tell that unless they look at them all individually.
Some undisclosed amount of time later it dawns on me. I could just have a sixth beer for the night and then take the six pack home. Duh... Maybe my drinking is affecting... My drinking.
That's about it. The fun is over and the adventure begins.
Going back in to town to finish packing and see some friends, gonna have a pub night. Bus girl wants to meet up once more. A long time friend who has had a crush on me since she saw me doesn't want me to go.
My friend Zach is back from England for Easter. We're heading to Ottawa so see our other friend before he goes to perform a play in Hong Hong, then dissapear into Cambodia for a while like Zach did.
I get back on the 12th, then head to Toronto with mom and the cats. Get them settled in, then on the 13th I'm gonna hang out with my ex whom I took to the Gala in 2007.
I was originally going to go to the brewery with her, and prolly will again. Just gonna eat a bit before hand this time.
If anybody wants to join, message me. I say we make a party of it.
Fly out at 6:00 on the 14th.
Might post again before I go. We'll see...
I will leave you with some pictures of the dogs around the camp fire. Just thought I'd share them.

Then your cheek is startlingly smooth : )
This is all fine by me, of course : )