I'm not dead yet!
No, stil kicking. I can't recall everything I haven't posted about in the last Three months, but here's what's going on now.
Girlfriend moved in with me for a bit because her room mates were all moving away and she didn't have enough to make first and last anywhere else. So me living at mom's with girlfriend.
I'm feeling all kinds of grown up.
Mom's back from NY and working at the humane society.She brought her pitbull so the cats are living in the basement with me, save for Meshu, the hardass old Siamese who's so jaded and senile he doesn't care. Also, Diamond knows he's boss, so he can beat the shit out of her and she won't fight back.
Now if only I could get Digger to be the same way, but I think he'd just go into a corner and puke.
Just went to BC for two weeks to visit Sissy and have decided I am moving there ASAP. I want to be back out there before november 19th.
My plan is to work until the end of october, go to my dad's for a couple weeks then take off. I can live with Sis for a bit until I find a job and a house. I hope to move in with some of her crazy university friends.
I went out there because she was filming her fourth year film class movie which she had to write, direct and do casting for.
Other class mates take care of Camera, Gaffing, PA, etc. She had me fly out because someone's gotta feed them.
She set me up with all the food and depending on where it was we were shooting that day, I could either cook there, cook the food before hand and have it in a crock pot, or in the case of the last day just take it out there and try to keep it warm.
First night was shot in someone's apartment. I had use of the kitchen, I cooked vegetarian chillie using that TVP fake hamburger stuff. Even the vegetarians thought it was meat. The cute little make up artist Sis had that day was absolutely amazed when I told her it had no meat in it and that she could have some.
She kept hanging out with me in the kitchen and I don't think it was for the snacks like she said,
She was my company for the night when everybody else was shooting. After that scene we went to a park, set up an old timey phone booth and shot another scene. I set up a snack bar in the back of the Volkswagen. We were up until about 1:30am.
The next night we shot behind the SFU film building. So I had outlets for a crockpot, I made potato soup, again was kept company by the second make up artist. Had to keep the coffee going, This time I made cookies which were a hit and made sure we had vegetables chopped and ready to go.
That night I got to meet the second main character who was really cool. At first I thought he was just one of my sister's crazy friends, but apparently no. He was in a CBC miniseries earlier this year with Bob Hoskins and the guy from Davinci's Inquest. Infact he was one of the lead rolls. The series was called The Englishman's Son. I was reading up on it today on IMDB, I'm gonna try to pick up the DVD.
Third night we shot at the harbor, then in Stanley park. They were shooting further down the Seawall. was set up next to one of the restrooms which durring the day has al ittle diner out front so I had tables and power.
I cooked Veggie Jambalaya using veggie hotdogs and kept it warm in a crock pot, had the ricecooker set up and the coffee maker.
There were scary hobos wandering around all night.
At about 3:00 am, sis comes over and tells me they're done shooting, get some snacks ready for the crew to eat before we head out but otherwise pack up.
After she left I started to hear noises coming from the dark area beyond the parking lot.
I figured it was the damned hobo again so I pulled out my night vision. Thought I could see something that might be a hobo but it wasn't moving. So I took out my flashlight which one of sissy's friends so affectionately named the Pocket HMI. Point it out there and turn it on, and all these little eyes light up, staring back at me. Then more join them, they all converge and start wobbling towards me.
About nine raccoons come over in a pack. I'm about to try to shoe them away when the big beat up leader starts squabbling with another which made me step back a bit, thinking me might be rabbid. He had one eye ad chunks taken out of his ears.
Then they all form a semi-circle around the tables and start to move in. I had to chase them off three at a time, then run back and chase the first group off again. That kept me busy for about 20 minutes.
Eventually they left and everybody came back and finished up the jambalaya. Only night I didn't have leftovers.
the next night involved a shoot outside a coffee shop, then someone drove me over to my sister's friend's mother's house where the next shot was going to be so I could have dinner ready when the crew arrived.
The most beautiful kitchen. Six burner gas stove, all kinds of counter space. It was awesome. I wished i had something more complex than spaghetti and sauce to cook that night.
Before they got there another actress wandered in, again I was thinking she was another crazy school friend helping out with the set, but no, another actress. She was pretty.
Sis had me doing production stills too. As soon as I pulled out my camera, this girl just became so animated and all around flirty with the camera. It was kinda funny.
We were out until around 4:00am that night.
Final night was a toughy. I made soup, and planned on bringing the leftovers because we thought we were going to be back at the film building on campus. But the first shoot was in a graveyard, and we needed the truck for the second shoot. but they lock the gates after 7:30. So we were stuck in the graveyard with the truck. We could get out but the truck would need to stay and someone would have to spend the night in it when we were done.
The last scene was to be at the school was going to be the scenes of the truck being driven. So we just needed to set it up in front of a projector screen. It worked out because we could now do it in the graveyard and we wouldn't have to move the set.
But I had no where to cook so I performed my third duty of the film as security guard for all our equipment away from the shoot. Soup was served warmish but still a hit with everybody.
Turned out nobody had to stay with the truck all night because by the time we were done, it was about 5:00 in the morning and they unlocked the gates again.
I got some really cool shots in the graveyard though. There was this myst creeping about all night.
And that was the last day of shooting. Sis and I spent the rest of the week wandering around town, going to MEC, got drunk one night, then friday night had our wrap party. Not many people showed, but the one make up artist brought a bunch of her friends from the make up school and we all got smashed on sangria. They seemed to get a kick out of me.I will definitely enjoy moving there.
Tough part now is that girlfriend is living here. And as predicted, having lived with her this long is spelling the end of the relationship. But she's stuck here a bit longer because she hasn't been able to save enough money to put first and last month's rent down for october.
I'm a little peeved at her and also my feeling for her are diminishing. I don't get much out of the relationship any more, it feels like I'm just waisting effort trying to help her out.
Hopefully things will sort themselves out. I'm going to keep civil until she's out on her feet.
I care about her a lot, but this experience has told me what i needed to know.
I'm gonna try to get pictures posted from the trip, and I suppose I'd better start makign friends with the people from the BC group.
Tooods! For who knows how long!
Updated! Pictures!
Random graveyard pictures.

Pesky one-eyed coon!


No trip to the beach would be complete without a giant, dead jellyfish! I swear, every trip to the ocean.

Swan in Stanley park.I was lucky he didn't bite my nose off. I got pretty close. He seemed to be posing for me.

THis somehow seemed fitting... (My Name's Dave)

Not from the trip, but I don't think I've shown off my mom's pittbull.. At least not for a while. We had her at Christmas I suppose, but she's put on some weight.

She was hunting a chipmunk.

I'm not dead yet!
No, stil kicking. I can't recall everything I haven't posted about in the last Three months, but here's what's going on now.
Girlfriend moved in with me for a bit because her room mates were all moving away and she didn't have enough to make first and last anywhere else. So me living at mom's with girlfriend.
I'm feeling all kinds of grown up.
Mom's back from NY and working at the humane society.She brought her pitbull so the cats are living in the basement with me, save for Meshu, the hardass old Siamese who's so jaded and senile he doesn't care. Also, Diamond knows he's boss, so he can beat the shit out of her and she won't fight back.
Now if only I could get Digger to be the same way, but I think he'd just go into a corner and puke.
Just went to BC for two weeks to visit Sissy and have decided I am moving there ASAP. I want to be back out there before november 19th.
My plan is to work until the end of october, go to my dad's for a couple weeks then take off. I can live with Sis for a bit until I find a job and a house. I hope to move in with some of her crazy university friends.
I went out there because she was filming her fourth year film class movie which she had to write, direct and do casting for.
Other class mates take care of Camera, Gaffing, PA, etc. She had me fly out because someone's gotta feed them.
She set me up with all the food and depending on where it was we were shooting that day, I could either cook there, cook the food before hand and have it in a crock pot, or in the case of the last day just take it out there and try to keep it warm.
First night was shot in someone's apartment. I had use of the kitchen, I cooked vegetarian chillie using that TVP fake hamburger stuff. Even the vegetarians thought it was meat. The cute little make up artist Sis had that day was absolutely amazed when I told her it had no meat in it and that she could have some.
She kept hanging out with me in the kitchen and I don't think it was for the snacks like she said,
She was my company for the night when everybody else was shooting. After that scene we went to a park, set up an old timey phone booth and shot another scene. I set up a snack bar in the back of the Volkswagen. We were up until about 1:30am.
The next night we shot behind the SFU film building. So I had outlets for a crockpot, I made potato soup, again was kept company by the second make up artist. Had to keep the coffee going, This time I made cookies which were a hit and made sure we had vegetables chopped and ready to go.
That night I got to meet the second main character who was really cool. At first I thought he was just one of my sister's crazy friends, but apparently no. He was in a CBC miniseries earlier this year with Bob Hoskins and the guy from Davinci's Inquest. Infact he was one of the lead rolls. The series was called The Englishman's Son. I was reading up on it today on IMDB, I'm gonna try to pick up the DVD.
Third night we shot at the harbor, then in Stanley park. They were shooting further down the Seawall. was set up next to one of the restrooms which durring the day has al ittle diner out front so I had tables and power.
I cooked Veggie Jambalaya using veggie hotdogs and kept it warm in a crock pot, had the ricecooker set up and the coffee maker.
There were scary hobos wandering around all night.
At about 3:00 am, sis comes over and tells me they're done shooting, get some snacks ready for the crew to eat before we head out but otherwise pack up.
After she left I started to hear noises coming from the dark area beyond the parking lot.
I figured it was the damned hobo again so I pulled out my night vision. Thought I could see something that might be a hobo but it wasn't moving. So I took out my flashlight which one of sissy's friends so affectionately named the Pocket HMI. Point it out there and turn it on, and all these little eyes light up, staring back at me. Then more join them, they all converge and start wobbling towards me.
About nine raccoons come over in a pack. I'm about to try to shoe them away when the big beat up leader starts squabbling with another which made me step back a bit, thinking me might be rabbid. He had one eye ad chunks taken out of his ears.
Then they all form a semi-circle around the tables and start to move in. I had to chase them off three at a time, then run back and chase the first group off again. That kept me busy for about 20 minutes.
Eventually they left and everybody came back and finished up the jambalaya. Only night I didn't have leftovers.
the next night involved a shoot outside a coffee shop, then someone drove me over to my sister's friend's mother's house where the next shot was going to be so I could have dinner ready when the crew arrived.
The most beautiful kitchen. Six burner gas stove, all kinds of counter space. It was awesome. I wished i had something more complex than spaghetti and sauce to cook that night.
Before they got there another actress wandered in, again I was thinking she was another crazy school friend helping out with the set, but no, another actress. She was pretty.
Sis had me doing production stills too. As soon as I pulled out my camera, this girl just became so animated and all around flirty with the camera. It was kinda funny.
We were out until around 4:00am that night.
Final night was a toughy. I made soup, and planned on bringing the leftovers because we thought we were going to be back at the film building on campus. But the first shoot was in a graveyard, and we needed the truck for the second shoot. but they lock the gates after 7:30. So we were stuck in the graveyard with the truck. We could get out but the truck would need to stay and someone would have to spend the night in it when we were done.
The last scene was to be at the school was going to be the scenes of the truck being driven. So we just needed to set it up in front of a projector screen. It worked out because we could now do it in the graveyard and we wouldn't have to move the set.
But I had no where to cook so I performed my third duty of the film as security guard for all our equipment away from the shoot. Soup was served warmish but still a hit with everybody.
Turned out nobody had to stay with the truck all night because by the time we were done, it was about 5:00 in the morning and they unlocked the gates again.
I got some really cool shots in the graveyard though. There was this myst creeping about all night.
And that was the last day of shooting. Sis and I spent the rest of the week wandering around town, going to MEC, got drunk one night, then friday night had our wrap party. Not many people showed, but the one make up artist brought a bunch of her friends from the make up school and we all got smashed on sangria. They seemed to get a kick out of me.I will definitely enjoy moving there.
Tough part now is that girlfriend is living here. And as predicted, having lived with her this long is spelling the end of the relationship. But she's stuck here a bit longer because she hasn't been able to save enough money to put first and last month's rent down for october.
I'm a little peeved at her and also my feeling for her are diminishing. I don't get much out of the relationship any more, it feels like I'm just waisting effort trying to help her out.
Hopefully things will sort themselves out. I'm going to keep civil until she's out on her feet.
I care about her a lot, but this experience has told me what i needed to know.
I'm gonna try to get pictures posted from the trip, and I suppose I'd better start makign friends with the people from the BC group.
Tooods! For who knows how long!
Updated! Pictures!
Random graveyard pictures.

Pesky one-eyed coon!


No trip to the beach would be complete without a giant, dead jellyfish! I swear, every trip to the ocean.

Swan in Stanley park.I was lucky he didn't bite my nose off. I got pretty close. He seemed to be posing for me.

THis somehow seemed fitting... (My Name's Dave)

Not from the trip, but I don't think I've shown off my mom's pittbull.. At least not for a while. We had her at Christmas I suppose, but she's put on some weight.

She was hunting a chipmunk.

If you're moving to BC I volunteer to come up and shoot you.