Well. I either have a great opportunity here or I'm joining Starcult.
I guess I'll start with Canada day.
The weekend was good. My mom came home, brought me some fancy american beer called Ruination. It's pretty freaking nice. Two of them knocked me right on my ass and gave me a splitting headache the next morning.
Sunday we went to our friend's family BBQ. I think his sister has a thing for me. She's pretty hot. I don't know how he'd feel about me going after her.
I know he made it clear that my housemate can't. But my housemate is a manslut. So we'll see.
I get back to work today. The owner fired her daughter, the designer. Things are going to change drastically. Or else in two days everything will be back to normal.
But here's where the opportunity comes in.
The owner now needs me to improve my skills for us to oporate without her daughter. I'm thinking I may be abe to show more of my skill now that there's no one else there to take credit for my work.
I could potentialy be designing the custom pieces for the business.
We'll see. I want to make sure they actually go ahead and get me some training. If not, then my housemate says he can get me a job at his work next month.
Tech support for Nikon. They get to play with fancy cameras. It's also a far more social job than my current one.
I want to go camping this weekend. Need a canoe and a ride out to my dad's. Friend's hot sister might be comming.
I hope things go somewhere. She's a hardass, which is hot. But she's also very squeemish and needs to loosten up. Hopefully I could get her to.
EDIT: No. That shop's going to go right back to normal in two weeks at the most, which was already pretty fucking close to hell in a handbasket. My housemate's gonna get me an in as tech support for Nikon.
They've outsourced to us so if any of you yanks got a problem with your camera. You may end up talking to me!
I guess I'll start with Canada day.
The weekend was good. My mom came home, brought me some fancy american beer called Ruination. It's pretty freaking nice. Two of them knocked me right on my ass and gave me a splitting headache the next morning.
Sunday we went to our friend's family BBQ. I think his sister has a thing for me. She's pretty hot. I don't know how he'd feel about me going after her.
I know he made it clear that my housemate can't. But my housemate is a manslut. So we'll see.
I get back to work today. The owner fired her daughter, the designer. Things are going to change drastically. Or else in two days everything will be back to normal.
But here's where the opportunity comes in.
The owner now needs me to improve my skills for us to oporate without her daughter. I'm thinking I may be abe to show more of my skill now that there's no one else there to take credit for my work.
I could potentialy be designing the custom pieces for the business.
We'll see. I want to make sure they actually go ahead and get me some training. If not, then my housemate says he can get me a job at his work next month.
Tech support for Nikon. They get to play with fancy cameras. It's also a far more social job than my current one.
I want to go camping this weekend. Need a canoe and a ride out to my dad's. Friend's hot sister might be comming.
I hope things go somewhere. She's a hardass, which is hot. But she's also very squeemish and needs to loosten up. Hopefully I could get her to.
EDIT: No. That shop's going to go right back to normal in two weeks at the most, which was already pretty fucking close to hell in a handbasket. My housemate's gonna get me an in as tech support for Nikon.
They've outsourced to us so if any of you yanks got a problem with your camera. You may end up talking to me!
I didn't make it to Gala because of a few reasons, which together conspired to keep me home. Each reason taken alone would not have been enough, but in combination ... 

Yes, a good american beer.
I'm fairly sure he's talking about the good ol' Russian River brewery, right down the street from me. Ruination, Damnation, Salvation.. I was there this past Sunday enjoying a brew. You all should come down... da brewery