Well I can't say nothing's happened. Plenty has happened.
I finished teaching one silver course, and I start another on the 26th. All female students. Ages unknown but I'm hopeful.
Went camping last weekend with Corvus3 and two other friends. One of which I'm not too fond of, but he was A: our ride and B: he's pretty tolerable when he's got something other than girls on his mind. Like keeping warm. Probably the only thing more important to him than girls.
We built a shelter the first night. Corvus3 and and Zach had hammocks, but they had a few sleeping bags each so they weren't tooo cold with nothing under them for insulation. Zach woke up once each night wanting something warmer under him, but at least he didn't have to wake up every hour or so to put more logs on the fire like Justin and I.
We had a little tarp shelter right next to the fire, but our mistake was no insulation between us and the ground. So we were quite cold.
We woke up in the middle of the night to gather more firewood and we could hear the owls hooting and hollaring. There were at least three, I think I counted five different calls though.
Eventually we saw them going from tree to tree right above us, I think there was a female and two males by the time they got that close. Them fuckers is loud, I tell you whut. They were about the size of a large cat.
Two of them had very melodic calls, one hit a higher note at the end. 'hoo hoo hoo Hoooo!' and then 'Hoo hoo hoo hooOOO!' and the third just went 'Wha wha WHAA WHAA WHAAAAA! WHAAA WHAAA!!' Like a monkey.
Far less relaxing of a sound. Little bastard.
The second day we found this really neat little alcove in the rocks, three walls and a tree at the opening. We built a fireplace in the corner, blocked off one side of the tree and left the other side open for a door. Put juniper and pine bows on the ground for bedding then covered it all with tarps, leaving the area above the fire open. Put a tarp down over the brush, piled wood all around us and nestled between the piles with our sleeping bags.
If justin weren't such a homophobe we all probably would have cuddled up in there for the second night.
Then we carved spoons. justin's looked like a penis and he gradually whittled it down to look less like a penis by the end of the trip.
We ate MREs, Canned beans. Beef, mushroom, zuchinni and potato kabobs over the fire, basted with italian dressing. That night I whipped up three more spoons. the first was for my mommy, then I made one for my dad and myself. But Zach liked mine so much more than his that he had me carve him one too.
My hatchet worked like a dream. I need to name it now.
We got back at 2:00 on sunday, just in time to grab our guns, get changed and go to an Airsoft game.
A very small one. Some kids outside of town have three acres. There were six of us playing. Good for a little skirmish to get us in the mood. I swore that on Wednesday i'd go swimming to keep fit after having hiked with 75lbs of gear, chopped wood and ran around shooting people. But instead we went to Grindhouse, then I was pretty sick on thursday. Went to my mom's for dinner saw the kitties.
Digger was so happy to have both me and my mom back now that its sunken into his little head that we don't live there anymore. Widget's scared of everybody though.
Friday was a lapidary auction. I got some spiffy stuff. Last night we had a bit of a party. Good fun. I got plenty hammered and indulged the taste I developed for cigars while camping. Thanks to Corvus3.
The novolty's worn off now though. It'll be a good while before I have another. I actually felt and tasted it this morning, having no other smoke smells or discomfort to mask the affects, which means it's not cool.
I see I didn't even cover my birthday at all here. Well it wasn't wonderful. I'll just leave it there.

I finished teaching one silver course, and I start another on the 26th. All female students. Ages unknown but I'm hopeful.
Went camping last weekend with Corvus3 and two other friends. One of which I'm not too fond of, but he was A: our ride and B: he's pretty tolerable when he's got something other than girls on his mind. Like keeping warm. Probably the only thing more important to him than girls.
We built a shelter the first night. Corvus3 and and Zach had hammocks, but they had a few sleeping bags each so they weren't tooo cold with nothing under them for insulation. Zach woke up once each night wanting something warmer under him, but at least he didn't have to wake up every hour or so to put more logs on the fire like Justin and I.
We had a little tarp shelter right next to the fire, but our mistake was no insulation between us and the ground. So we were quite cold.
We woke up in the middle of the night to gather more firewood and we could hear the owls hooting and hollaring. There were at least three, I think I counted five different calls though.
Eventually we saw them going from tree to tree right above us, I think there was a female and two males by the time they got that close. Them fuckers is loud, I tell you whut. They were about the size of a large cat.
Two of them had very melodic calls, one hit a higher note at the end. 'hoo hoo hoo Hoooo!' and then 'Hoo hoo hoo hooOOO!' and the third just went 'Wha wha WHAA WHAA WHAAAAA! WHAAA WHAAA!!' Like a monkey.
Far less relaxing of a sound. Little bastard.
The second day we found this really neat little alcove in the rocks, three walls and a tree at the opening. We built a fireplace in the corner, blocked off one side of the tree and left the other side open for a door. Put juniper and pine bows on the ground for bedding then covered it all with tarps, leaving the area above the fire open. Put a tarp down over the brush, piled wood all around us and nestled between the piles with our sleeping bags.
If justin weren't such a homophobe we all probably would have cuddled up in there for the second night.
Then we carved spoons. justin's looked like a penis and he gradually whittled it down to look less like a penis by the end of the trip.
We ate MREs, Canned beans. Beef, mushroom, zuchinni and potato kabobs over the fire, basted with italian dressing. That night I whipped up three more spoons. the first was for my mommy, then I made one for my dad and myself. But Zach liked mine so much more than his that he had me carve him one too.
My hatchet worked like a dream. I need to name it now.
We got back at 2:00 on sunday, just in time to grab our guns, get changed and go to an Airsoft game.
A very small one. Some kids outside of town have three acres. There were six of us playing. Good for a little skirmish to get us in the mood. I swore that on Wednesday i'd go swimming to keep fit after having hiked with 75lbs of gear, chopped wood and ran around shooting people. But instead we went to Grindhouse, then I was pretty sick on thursday. Went to my mom's for dinner saw the kitties.
Digger was so happy to have both me and my mom back now that its sunken into his little head that we don't live there anymore. Widget's scared of everybody though.
Friday was a lapidary auction. I got some spiffy stuff. Last night we had a bit of a party. Good fun. I got plenty hammered and indulged the taste I developed for cigars while camping. Thanks to Corvus3.
The novolty's worn off now though. It'll be a good while before I have another. I actually felt and tasted it this morning, having no other smoke smells or discomfort to mask the affects, which means it's not cool.
I see I didn't even cover my birthday at all here. Well it wasn't wonderful. I'll just leave it there.

i'l talk to you later this week as well.