Things are going pretty peachy for the most part. Job's sucky but tolerable. I'm teaching the silver-smithing course again and there's not a looker among 'em. One of the guys seriously looks and sounds like Mat Frewer. It's pretty freaky. Exact same inflection in his voice, freaking weird.
I just discovered at this past class, one of the guys knew my old gun-buddy. He's in the pistol club and has quite a collection of guns. So he may be selling me my first.
I apparently gave out the wrong phone number to a bunch of people, having not quite memorized it properly.
Now some guy things his girlfriend is cheating on him with me... Can't be the brightest of chaps. But it's pretty funny.
MikeLeroux and I hung out for the first time yesterday. We had met previously when he'd come in and visit me at work. This time we went to the Brew Pub. Wandered back up to my place, stopping at Timmy's on the way to pee. Then we watched Ghost world.
He spent the night, but didn't put out. Again I am dissapointed.
So I've been chatting with this girl, met her online. She's rediculously cute, turns out she dated one of my housemate's buddies. He's got plenty bad to say about her, but I know he's a dick to women, and I know the type he likes so I don't really care what he thinks.
She sounds like she's got her baggage but carries it herself.
She's really hard to get a hold of though. She seems super busy all the time and said she forgot she had a previous commitment after we had plans for Friday night.
That left me in a bad mood. I could have gone out with my housemate and his girlfriend to meet up with a bunch of her friends, and any other night I'd have jumped at the chance. But I knew if I went, i'd have drank and been really broody and grumpy all night. Not really angry at her, just dissapointed.
I figured I'd better just brood and grump at home with less temptation to drink.
I'm still hopeful. I think she and I would get along great. I just hope I get the chance to meet her soon.
I've been having those rediculously lonely spells lately.
Nobody to even cuddle with since I've given up on the last girl.
My firearms licence came by the way. I look like a freaking thug in the picture.
Again, I hope to buy my first gun from that fellow in my class soon. I still kind of want a Moisin Nagant, but have also been considering an M1, or some of the other WW2 semi auto rifles, either german or russian.
Also keeping an eye out for a Luger, Luger artillery model, or a Mauser C-96 type. Maybe one of the chinese versions.
Brought another backpack full of stuff over today. My posters and such.
My mom, brought me my mattress which is super comfy. I bought $100 worth of bedding for it. Still waiting on the bed though. They didn't have the one I wanted in stock.
I gotta come up with something for storage in this room. I need more shelves. Or racks or something. I can't put too much in the way of holes in the walls to hang things so we'll see what I can find.
A floor standing sword rack would be nice. But we're also considering decorating the entire house with my weapons.
So I plan on attending the Toronto Gala now that I have a guide and partner in crime. I'd like to spend more time in Toronto. But I don't think I want to live anywhere quite so big. I like Kingston for it's size, and the fact that it's only a ten minute drive to actually leave the city.
But damn I need a new job.
I'm going to my Boss's wedding on march 17th of all days!!! FUCK!!!... ASS!!! I finaly have the morning off the next day, and smoe buddies to go out with on St. Patty's day and I have to go to a wedding... With an open bar...
Mebby it'll just be warmup. Then I can go out on the town in my fancy clothes which may or may not be a good idea.
I think I might buy the waistcoat ensamble for the wedding. Then wear it to Gala... If I don't ruin it on St. Patty's day. Mebby my matrix coat too if I have it finished.
Mmmk Well I think that's the lot of what's been happening to me lately.
I work evenings monday, tuesday and wednesday this week, then thursday I have my class to teach so I won't be back until after 9:00 monday tuesday then probably after 10:00 wednesday and thursday.
If girly wants to do anything like she says she does, she'll either have to wait until friday, or else we got late durring the week.
I need something good to happen this weekend. It's going to be my birthday and I want to have some fun. I don't think I could bare to have this girl cancel on me again. I'd lose any hope and probably become really bland really quick. Or else blow a bunch of cash on something fun.
Meh... Night night all.
I just discovered at this past class, one of the guys knew my old gun-buddy. He's in the pistol club and has quite a collection of guns. So he may be selling me my first.
I apparently gave out the wrong phone number to a bunch of people, having not quite memorized it properly.
Now some guy things his girlfriend is cheating on him with me... Can't be the brightest of chaps. But it's pretty funny.
MikeLeroux and I hung out for the first time yesterday. We had met previously when he'd come in and visit me at work. This time we went to the Brew Pub. Wandered back up to my place, stopping at Timmy's on the way to pee. Then we watched Ghost world.
He spent the night, but didn't put out. Again I am dissapointed.

So I've been chatting with this girl, met her online. She's rediculously cute, turns out she dated one of my housemate's buddies. He's got plenty bad to say about her, but I know he's a dick to women, and I know the type he likes so I don't really care what he thinks.
She sounds like she's got her baggage but carries it herself.
She's really hard to get a hold of though. She seems super busy all the time and said she forgot she had a previous commitment after we had plans for Friday night.
That left me in a bad mood. I could have gone out with my housemate and his girlfriend to meet up with a bunch of her friends, and any other night I'd have jumped at the chance. But I knew if I went, i'd have drank and been really broody and grumpy all night. Not really angry at her, just dissapointed.
I figured I'd better just brood and grump at home with less temptation to drink.
I'm still hopeful. I think she and I would get along great. I just hope I get the chance to meet her soon.
I've been having those rediculously lonely spells lately.
Nobody to even cuddle with since I've given up on the last girl.
My firearms licence came by the way. I look like a freaking thug in the picture.
Again, I hope to buy my first gun from that fellow in my class soon. I still kind of want a Moisin Nagant, but have also been considering an M1, or some of the other WW2 semi auto rifles, either german or russian.
Also keeping an eye out for a Luger, Luger artillery model, or a Mauser C-96 type. Maybe one of the chinese versions.
Brought another backpack full of stuff over today. My posters and such.
My mom, brought me my mattress which is super comfy. I bought $100 worth of bedding for it. Still waiting on the bed though. They didn't have the one I wanted in stock.
I gotta come up with something for storage in this room. I need more shelves. Or racks or something. I can't put too much in the way of holes in the walls to hang things so we'll see what I can find.
A floor standing sword rack would be nice. But we're also considering decorating the entire house with my weapons.
So I plan on attending the Toronto Gala now that I have a guide and partner in crime. I'd like to spend more time in Toronto. But I don't think I want to live anywhere quite so big. I like Kingston for it's size, and the fact that it's only a ten minute drive to actually leave the city.
But damn I need a new job.
I'm going to my Boss's wedding on march 17th of all days!!! FUCK!!!... ASS!!! I finaly have the morning off the next day, and smoe buddies to go out with on St. Patty's day and I have to go to a wedding... With an open bar...
Mebby it'll just be warmup. Then I can go out on the town in my fancy clothes which may or may not be a good idea.
I think I might buy the waistcoat ensamble for the wedding. Then wear it to Gala... If I don't ruin it on St. Patty's day. Mebby my matrix coat too if I have it finished.
Mmmk Well I think that's the lot of what's been happening to me lately.
I work evenings monday, tuesday and wednesday this week, then thursday I have my class to teach so I won't be back until after 9:00 monday tuesday then probably after 10:00 wednesday and thursday.
If girly wants to do anything like she says she does, she'll either have to wait until friday, or else we got late durring the week.
I need something good to happen this weekend. It's going to be my birthday and I want to have some fun. I don't think I could bare to have this girl cancel on me again. I'd lose any hope and probably become really bland really quick. Or else blow a bunch of cash on something fun.
Meh... Night night all.
night and sweet dreams of steve buscemi.