If anything happened before Alice Cooper. Then I dun' remember it. Probably not worth mentioning.
So right to the good part!
The seats weren't bad.The stage was at one end of a hockey rink, and we were in the stands at center ice.
Fold out seats covered the floor from infront of the stage, there was a wide aisle in the center, then more seats. The last third of the rink was blocked up and the lighting guy was set up there.
The place is so small, I doubt there was a bad seat in the house.
During the opening act, our friend a couple rows down and to the left lit up a joint. Security went nuts. They all ran over to that section in the stands but couldn't see him with it. So they couldn't do anything. But they were watching.
However, once Alice cooper came on, almost all of them moved to the front of the stage to keep people from rushing it.
People were going back and forth from their seats in the 'pit', so my buddy and I get the idea to go right down and stand in the back. Lots of people were. Security couldn't do a damned thing. So we're about 50 feet from the stage now.
Classic Alice Cooper act with some new stuff inbetween. The whole 'cutting his head off' act and having it put on a frankenstein body he assembled earlier in the show.
He did like three encores too!
We waited out by the tour busses hoping he'd come out after. But he didn't, the drummer did. Signed a few things for people then went back in.
The guitarist was hot. Holy crap, I wish he'd have come out.
Then we went out for a beer and headed home.

More pictures in my folders.
Here's what I ate for dinner the night after the concert!

It's a pig's heart! Mmmm Mmmm! Gewd!
Hung out with my friend and his dad one more time before he(dad) went back to england. Really awesome bar just down the road from me called Tom's Place.
Warsteiner on tap and great nachos.
Also reunited my buddy with the buddy I went to Alice Cooper with. they lived across from each other when they were eight.
My buddy had a date to do Irish Car Bombs at last call with the waitress.
I kinda want a beer... One sec.
*Squeaaak, thumpthumpthump.... Creak. Jingle jangle.. Shunk... Thump thump thump.... PSSSHT... Thump thump Squeak!*
Mmmk back. Where was I?
Ok so I left the house around 3:20 or so to go pick up my buddy to go camping. I wanted to leave earlier, but he was swimming with his ex girlfriend for some reason. I dunno.
I needed to pick up some twine first incase we had to lash a shelter.
I had to go to three different stores before finding twine! Jute! PLain old twine! What the hell?
Got out to his place by 4:00 or so and head out through his back yard into the bush.
We followed a path to a rather raging creek.
It's been raining all week and it drains here. So this was like white water.
Supposedly we were going to cross. But once the one of us did manage to cross our feeble, rotten log bridge without his gear, he found he was just on a small island surrounded by more marsh. On his way back, the bridge broke.
We tried to put the old hull of a snowmobiel over the creek(there was alot of junk down there, otherwise it would have been beautiful.), which didnt't work. So wasting daylight, energy, and building up a sweat we decide to try and cross further up. Another failiure. So now we have to go up the steep, rocky hill.
We cross over a shallow point just above the waterfall, then back down the steep rocky hill.
This is apparently where we were tryign to get to. I didn't like it as much as one of the spots we passed but later we found out we were better off.
So we're tired, a little sweaty, staving off hunger with a sack of jerky.
There's a downed tree, and an old tree fort which is now nothing but a few rotting boards nailed to a tree and on the ground.
The tree saved us some work. It split into a Y, letting us put the boards over top to protect us from rain, in theory.
Running out of daylight, we gather firewood from further away from the camp first, then tried to remember where we saw good stuff closer to the camp. It's all we could do. We had to get the fire going and we had to have a shelter, even a half assed one, incase the rain started.
I was not too proud of it was tre-sucktacular. In the process of building it, we woke up a very cold snake and a salamander. Also found a skull of a fox or a martin or something.
We ate, I spent most of the night finding more wood. We had to have the fire strong because the shelter was incapable of maintaining heat.
Luckily, we were also close to a large grassy field. the grass made perfect bedding, though it did turn out to be a little moist. We gathered a few bundles of it for the floor of the shelter. If we had more day light we could have built it up all over.Tthen we'd have been warm!
It's good that I did bring my sleeping bag. I was hoping to just go with my ranger blanket, and I might have fared better if we had a better freaking shelter!
At least we all matched. same Swiss camo, same sleeping bags. We own the same sweaters too, but only two of us brought them.
We also carried our pellet guns with us.It made us feel big.
This morning we saw people wandering around where we were trying to cross the creek.
They must have known we were there from the smoke of our fire, and I think they thought we did manage to cross there, because they seemed to be trying. Really would rather not have had to explain to anybody what we were doing out there in matching camo, wieldnig guns. So we broke up the fire and started to pack up.
Ther was no easy way they were going to make it over to us though. So we hung out a bit longer, made some breakfast on my stove, then once it started to rain, we headed back.
Guh.. Sore all over, tired. I don't know how much of this post made sence. I might edit it later. Or not.
Here's some more pictures. That'll cork your cry-holes.
Mmm...My ranger blanket smells like camp smoke. Reminds me of when I had sex under it once. Smelled like that then.


So right to the good part!
The seats weren't bad.The stage was at one end of a hockey rink, and we were in the stands at center ice.
Fold out seats covered the floor from infront of the stage, there was a wide aisle in the center, then more seats. The last third of the rink was blocked up and the lighting guy was set up there.
The place is so small, I doubt there was a bad seat in the house.
During the opening act, our friend a couple rows down and to the left lit up a joint. Security went nuts. They all ran over to that section in the stands but couldn't see him with it. So they couldn't do anything. But they were watching.
However, once Alice cooper came on, almost all of them moved to the front of the stage to keep people from rushing it.
People were going back and forth from their seats in the 'pit', so my buddy and I get the idea to go right down and stand in the back. Lots of people were. Security couldn't do a damned thing. So we're about 50 feet from the stage now.
Classic Alice Cooper act with some new stuff inbetween. The whole 'cutting his head off' act and having it put on a frankenstein body he assembled earlier in the show.
He did like three encores too!
We waited out by the tour busses hoping he'd come out after. But he didn't, the drummer did. Signed a few things for people then went back in.
The guitarist was hot. Holy crap, I wish he'd have come out.
Then we went out for a beer and headed home.

More pictures in my folders.
Here's what I ate for dinner the night after the concert!

It's a pig's heart! Mmmm Mmmm! Gewd!
Hung out with my friend and his dad one more time before he(dad) went back to england. Really awesome bar just down the road from me called Tom's Place.
Warsteiner on tap and great nachos.
Also reunited my buddy with the buddy I went to Alice Cooper with. they lived across from each other when they were eight.
My buddy had a date to do Irish Car Bombs at last call with the waitress.
I kinda want a beer... One sec.
*Squeaaak, thumpthumpthump.... Creak. Jingle jangle.. Shunk... Thump thump thump.... PSSSHT... Thump thump Squeak!*
Mmmk back. Where was I?
Ok so I left the house around 3:20 or so to go pick up my buddy to go camping. I wanted to leave earlier, but he was swimming with his ex girlfriend for some reason. I dunno.
I needed to pick up some twine first incase we had to lash a shelter.
I had to go to three different stores before finding twine! Jute! PLain old twine! What the hell?
Got out to his place by 4:00 or so and head out through his back yard into the bush.
We followed a path to a rather raging creek.
It's been raining all week and it drains here. So this was like white water.
Supposedly we were going to cross. But once the one of us did manage to cross our feeble, rotten log bridge without his gear, he found he was just on a small island surrounded by more marsh. On his way back, the bridge broke.
We tried to put the old hull of a snowmobiel over the creek(there was alot of junk down there, otherwise it would have been beautiful.), which didnt't work. So wasting daylight, energy, and building up a sweat we decide to try and cross further up. Another failiure. So now we have to go up the steep, rocky hill.
We cross over a shallow point just above the waterfall, then back down the steep rocky hill.
This is apparently where we were tryign to get to. I didn't like it as much as one of the spots we passed but later we found out we were better off.
So we're tired, a little sweaty, staving off hunger with a sack of jerky.
There's a downed tree, and an old tree fort which is now nothing but a few rotting boards nailed to a tree and on the ground.
The tree saved us some work. It split into a Y, letting us put the boards over top to protect us from rain, in theory.
Running out of daylight, we gather firewood from further away from the camp first, then tried to remember where we saw good stuff closer to the camp. It's all we could do. We had to get the fire going and we had to have a shelter, even a half assed one, incase the rain started.
I was not too proud of it was tre-sucktacular. In the process of building it, we woke up a very cold snake and a salamander. Also found a skull of a fox or a martin or something.
We ate, I spent most of the night finding more wood. We had to have the fire strong because the shelter was incapable of maintaining heat.
Luckily, we were also close to a large grassy field. the grass made perfect bedding, though it did turn out to be a little moist. We gathered a few bundles of it for the floor of the shelter. If we had more day light we could have built it up all over.Tthen we'd have been warm!
It's good that I did bring my sleeping bag. I was hoping to just go with my ranger blanket, and I might have fared better if we had a better freaking shelter!
At least we all matched. same Swiss camo, same sleeping bags. We own the same sweaters too, but only two of us brought them.
We also carried our pellet guns with us.It made us feel big.
This morning we saw people wandering around where we were trying to cross the creek.
They must have known we were there from the smoke of our fire, and I think they thought we did manage to cross there, because they seemed to be trying. Really would rather not have had to explain to anybody what we were doing out there in matching camo, wieldnig guns. So we broke up the fire and started to pack up.
Ther was no easy way they were going to make it over to us though. So we hung out a bit longer, made some breakfast on my stove, then once it started to rain, we headed back.
Guh.. Sore all over, tired. I don't know how much of this post made sence. I might edit it later. Or not.
Here's some more pictures. That'll cork your cry-holes.
Mmm...My ranger blanket smells like camp smoke. Reminds me of when I had sex under it once. Smelled like that then.



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