So I'm just getting ready to go to Italy. Gotta do a bit of laundry, pack up the last few things then we leave for toronto tomorrow morning, my mom's plane leaves at 2:45, mine leaves at like 8:00.
Soooo I get to spend the afternoon at the airport.
I've got about 175 euros in cash and I wanted to get travelers cheques but the bank only had them in like 500 euro denominations. So I'll be conservative in my spending. I have my credit card, I'll just keep track of what I buy and pay it back when I get home.
I'm not going to get much of a chance to spend money from what I can tell. We're going to go to three larger spots for sightseeing and a bit of shopping. But because of some unforseen circumstances, we won't have as much money as we were hoping to travel around and such.
I hope the town we're gonna be in is fun... Mutiiulchano (SP?) Or rather five minutes from it... Five minutes by european car... I suppose that could be 50 miles.
I've come down with a bit of a cold. It's died down to a stuffy nose, whch will hopefully clear up by the time we're in italy, because that night there's a wine tasting. I'm sure there will be many wine tastings.
So I went to see pirates with me buddies last night. It was good to see them. Ran into another friend on the way and we did loser laps until our movie started.
The kid at the boxoffice has been to a couple of my parties so he charged us all for youth tickets and then the guy from the army surplus was sitting behind us with his girlfriend. He tapped me on the shoulder and asked "So does it smell like breakfast today?" We all had a little chat about pirates and ninjas and Ron Pearlman.
I enjoyed the movie. If anybody could replace Geoffrey Rush as the antagonist, it's that guy they had... I forget his name, but he was the head vampire in Underworld, the stepdad in Shawn of the Dead, and the guy who constructed the earth in Hitchhikers Guide... Bill Nighy. That's the guy. He's soo cool.
Even under all the prosthetics and CGI, you could still tell it was him.
it was just kind of a fun fest. But why the hell not? I'm sick of movies having to end bleakly or make perfect sence. That's why I liked the matrix. It reminded me of Evangelion which made no sence. Unles you're crazy. Then it makes perfect sence. Then you watch it over and over in hopes of going crazy so you can understand it.
Guh. Work is depressing. I seem to screw up alot. I don't know if it's me or everybody else.
Vacation make life better I hope.Just need to relax and get back on my feet. Or rather drink to the point of not being able to stand on my own two feet. Then get back onto my feet once I've had a full body wine enima.
Well I'll be back on the 23rd or 24th. I bought a 512 MB card for me camera so I should have plenty of pictures.
Better get back to work. Been on me ass too long.
Soooo I get to spend the afternoon at the airport.
I've got about 175 euros in cash and I wanted to get travelers cheques but the bank only had them in like 500 euro denominations. So I'll be conservative in my spending. I have my credit card, I'll just keep track of what I buy and pay it back when I get home.
I'm not going to get much of a chance to spend money from what I can tell. We're going to go to three larger spots for sightseeing and a bit of shopping. But because of some unforseen circumstances, we won't have as much money as we were hoping to travel around and such.
I hope the town we're gonna be in is fun... Mutiiulchano (SP?) Or rather five minutes from it... Five minutes by european car... I suppose that could be 50 miles.
I've come down with a bit of a cold. It's died down to a stuffy nose, whch will hopefully clear up by the time we're in italy, because that night there's a wine tasting. I'm sure there will be many wine tastings.
So I went to see pirates with me buddies last night. It was good to see them. Ran into another friend on the way and we did loser laps until our movie started.
The kid at the boxoffice has been to a couple of my parties so he charged us all for youth tickets and then the guy from the army surplus was sitting behind us with his girlfriend. He tapped me on the shoulder and asked "So does it smell like breakfast today?" We all had a little chat about pirates and ninjas and Ron Pearlman.
I enjoyed the movie. If anybody could replace Geoffrey Rush as the antagonist, it's that guy they had... I forget his name, but he was the head vampire in Underworld, the stepdad in Shawn of the Dead, and the guy who constructed the earth in Hitchhikers Guide... Bill Nighy. That's the guy. He's soo cool.
Even under all the prosthetics and CGI, you could still tell it was him.
it was just kind of a fun fest. But why the hell not? I'm sick of movies having to end bleakly or make perfect sence. That's why I liked the matrix. It reminded me of Evangelion which made no sence. Unles you're crazy. Then it makes perfect sence. Then you watch it over and over in hopes of going crazy so you can understand it.
Guh. Work is depressing. I seem to screw up alot. I don't know if it's me or everybody else.
Vacation make life better I hope.Just need to relax and get back on my feet. Or rather drink to the point of not being able to stand on my own two feet. Then get back onto my feet once I've had a full body wine enima.
Well I'll be back on the 23rd or 24th. I bought a 512 MB card for me camera so I should have plenty of pictures.
Better get back to work. Been on me ass too long.
Hope you have fun, if you see any Zombies in Europe, report immediately, it would explian why everyone has so much fun when they go over seas.

I also play Magic: The Gathering