Wow today sucked. My manager has been confusing the hell out of me and doing a real number on my self esteem all week. Every day I work with her I beleive I'm more of an idiot.
After getting yelled at I finaly figured out what the heck she wanted from me. I don't think it's entirely my fault for not understanding because I was getting alot of mixed messages, but I think I'm going to let it go. I can perform my job. If she wants me to be friendly and chit chatty then she's gotta work on that herself because frankly I'm a little insulted by some of the stuff she said.
Last week I had a wonderful day working with the jeweler. The one whom I really consider my boss, or Master looking at it from an apprenticeship standpoint. There was so much energy in the store that day and she's so easy going.
Anyway. I somehow got this burst of inner strength and feel pretty darn good after all that crap.. I think I'll have a beer.
Screw looking all kempt and pretty for italy.
I'm going to bring some nice clothes, buy some there too but I'm going to bring some of my camo.
I'm going on vacation I'm going to be freaking-me.
Also after a bit of research I don't think it's as big a deal as everybody's making it out to be.
Hrrrm. Me buddy's trying to set me up with someone from a personals site. She's cute alright. But I hate bing set up.
I never met anybody I wanted to go out with on a personal site, but the people I met introduced me to girls I love or have loved.
I did nadda on canada day. I could have gone out, but why? Kingston clubs suck, and I couldn't gather the guys up to go out to the bar.
Saturday and sunday we had a yard sale. Got rid of alot of crap too and made $170. I got age verified on Airsoft Canada. Then on monday My buddy had me over to play with guns. Real steel.
He just had me go through the routine of making sure they're unloaded. Showed me some neat stuff. He says he'll take me out shooting another time. Then when I'm back from italy I'm going to try to gather a couple of my friends and we're going to hire an instructor so we can get our licences.
I'm tryning to decide what I want my first gun to be. I'm thinking a big old revolver of some sort. But I think I'll know it when I see it in person. He'll either come across something interesting or else I'll see it at a show.
it needs to be special, you know?
After I went over to me buddy's, had four corona and watched the last two episodes of Band of Brothers.
Well I'ma get some foody then try to move the reptiles downstairs.
After getting yelled at I finaly figured out what the heck she wanted from me. I don't think it's entirely my fault for not understanding because I was getting alot of mixed messages, but I think I'm going to let it go. I can perform my job. If she wants me to be friendly and chit chatty then she's gotta work on that herself because frankly I'm a little insulted by some of the stuff she said.
Last week I had a wonderful day working with the jeweler. The one whom I really consider my boss, or Master looking at it from an apprenticeship standpoint. There was so much energy in the store that day and she's so easy going.
Anyway. I somehow got this burst of inner strength and feel pretty darn good after all that crap.. I think I'll have a beer.
Screw looking all kempt and pretty for italy.
I'm going to bring some nice clothes, buy some there too but I'm going to bring some of my camo.
I'm going on vacation I'm going to be freaking-me.
Also after a bit of research I don't think it's as big a deal as everybody's making it out to be.
Hrrrm. Me buddy's trying to set me up with someone from a personals site. She's cute alright. But I hate bing set up.
I never met anybody I wanted to go out with on a personal site, but the people I met introduced me to girls I love or have loved.
I did nadda on canada day. I could have gone out, but why? Kingston clubs suck, and I couldn't gather the guys up to go out to the bar.
Saturday and sunday we had a yard sale. Got rid of alot of crap too and made $170. I got age verified on Airsoft Canada. Then on monday My buddy had me over to play with guns. Real steel.
He just had me go through the routine of making sure they're unloaded. Showed me some neat stuff. He says he'll take me out shooting another time. Then when I'm back from italy I'm going to try to gather a couple of my friends and we're going to hire an instructor so we can get our licences.
I'm tryning to decide what I want my first gun to be. I'm thinking a big old revolver of some sort. But I think I'll know it when I see it in person. He'll either come across something interesting or else I'll see it at a show.
it needs to be special, you know?
After I went over to me buddy's, had four corona and watched the last two episodes of Band of Brothers.
Well I'ma get some foody then try to move the reptiles downstairs.
yeah, you should dress like yourself on vacation or else when you show your pics to friends they will say "you look like a fucking tourist"

no matter what be yourself. cause, well, skinny white boys == hot. Yeah. Oh well. There were other pictures on the camera, but not anything truly interesting: a couple of people who worked at the club, a woman with her dogs sitting on the porch, and a little kid's birthday party (perhaps the thing that made me feel the most guilty.) Oh well. They have to learn, don't they?