I freaking hate charm bracelets! None of you! Ever get charm bracelets! They're stupid! The little old ladies who have them are obsessive about them, Every charm has to be on just right, on the right side of the chain!
I had to make a charm for one. It was fun, I did it in 20 minutes. Today in engraved it and went to solder it onto the bracelet. It was silver BTW... But one thing on it was not. It's sitting in the pickle and I notice it starting to turn pink all over... Steel ring, puter charm, stupid cheapo charm bracelet from one of the sucky stores. I don't know. But it contaminated my acid.
The boss says we can try to polish it off. I try, the pilishing wheel snags one of the charms and yanks it out of my hands then throws it across the room. The chain is nicely mangled...
NOTE: My boss is oblivious to her surroundings.
She looks up and sees that I'm holding the bracelet and says "Oh don't worry, we'll get Chris(Guy in toronto) To clean it off..." I'm thinking "Too late" I try to reshape the chain back. Charm bracelets tend to be of the stupidest construction. I can't tell how well I did because it's a semi copper plated mess that already looked like crap. it needs to be shiny before I can tell if it was close it is to the crap it was before I put it in the pickle.
I didn't feel very productive though I got a few jobs done. She wants me to work saturday all day and possibly for 12 hours on thursday.
I don't mind, I can use the money what with my now close to $500 army surplus order. Half of which is mine and $100 will be my birthday presant. Still $150 and I did just spend $300 on ebay in the last month.
If I wanna buy this house I need to get saving more.
Sarita is comming over tomorrow night which will be nice. She's done something crazy to her hair. It's red and done up in little braids. I couldn't tell how it looked from her tiny MSN picture. But I think I'll like it... Still waiting for her to cut it short.
Me gonna grab some foody. Mebby get my clothes ironed for tomorrow so I can just get up, shower and go.
I had to make a charm for one. It was fun, I did it in 20 minutes. Today in engraved it and went to solder it onto the bracelet. It was silver BTW... But one thing on it was not. It's sitting in the pickle and I notice it starting to turn pink all over... Steel ring, puter charm, stupid cheapo charm bracelet from one of the sucky stores. I don't know. But it contaminated my acid.
The boss says we can try to polish it off. I try, the pilishing wheel snags one of the charms and yanks it out of my hands then throws it across the room. The chain is nicely mangled...
NOTE: My boss is oblivious to her surroundings.
She looks up and sees that I'm holding the bracelet and says "Oh don't worry, we'll get Chris(Guy in toronto) To clean it off..." I'm thinking "Too late" I try to reshape the chain back. Charm bracelets tend to be of the stupidest construction. I can't tell how well I did because it's a semi copper plated mess that already looked like crap. it needs to be shiny before I can tell if it was close it is to the crap it was before I put it in the pickle.
I didn't feel very productive though I got a few jobs done. She wants me to work saturday all day and possibly for 12 hours on thursday.
I don't mind, I can use the money what with my now close to $500 army surplus order. Half of which is mine and $100 will be my birthday presant. Still $150 and I did just spend $300 on ebay in the last month.
If I wanna buy this house I need to get saving more.
Sarita is comming over tomorrow night which will be nice. She's done something crazy to her hair. It's red and done up in little braids. I couldn't tell how it looked from her tiny MSN picture. But I think I'll like it... Still waiting for her to cut it short.
Me gonna grab some foody. Mebby get my clothes ironed for tomorrow so I can just get up, shower and go.
I can't stand these new "Italian charm bracelets" ... they look silly. But I've wanted one of the traditional kinds for a while. 

charm bracelets are rediculously stupid. haha. thanks for the comment on my set!