So me gun buddy tells me of this knife he wants to give me. He says he pulled it out of one of the towers across from old Fort Henry in 1957. The floors had rotted out so the cannons fell through to the basement and they wanted to haul them out of there.
The fort was under private ownership at the time I believe cuz me friend bought some cannonballs and this knife they found from them after they were done.
He had no idea where it was from but the last time anybody used that tower was in 1860. It was still sharp too...
He gave it to me. The stamp on the knife reads 'Benicno Larios Yhinu, Sayula.'
I tracked it down to Sayula mexico and possibly to a fellow named Don Jose Ojeda Larios who's family has been making knives for 13 generations.
It would be interesting if this knife was made by someoen in his family. So I got an email off to one of his associates and they forwarded it to him. I hope to hear back from him soon.
Once again, Susi and I did nothing all weekend but sit around in minimal clothing playing Digimon world 4.
My buddy wants to borrow my game cube just so he can buy and play resident evil, then return the system to me with the game. I think I'll take him up on it.
Not much else happening. We shipped off my pocket watch to have it fixed. It will hopefully be back soon, then I'll get a picture of it up. So cool...
But the next thing I want is a nice eco-movement watch. I'll see if I can get an Omega or something nice. DUnno how much it's gonna cost me... Probably a hell of alot. It's just something I would like.. No idea when or how I'm going to get it. That's about all that's new and interesting. Gonna try to clean up a bit tonight then get to bed early.
The fort was under private ownership at the time I believe cuz me friend bought some cannonballs and this knife they found from them after they were done.
He had no idea where it was from but the last time anybody used that tower was in 1860. It was still sharp too...
He gave it to me. The stamp on the knife reads 'Benicno Larios Yhinu, Sayula.'
I tracked it down to Sayula mexico and possibly to a fellow named Don Jose Ojeda Larios who's family has been making knives for 13 generations.
It would be interesting if this knife was made by someoen in his family. So I got an email off to one of his associates and they forwarded it to him. I hope to hear back from him soon.

Once again, Susi and I did nothing all weekend but sit around in minimal clothing playing Digimon world 4.
My buddy wants to borrow my game cube just so he can buy and play resident evil, then return the system to me with the game. I think I'll take him up on it.
Not much else happening. We shipped off my pocket watch to have it fixed. It will hopefully be back soon, then I'll get a picture of it up. So cool...
But the next thing I want is a nice eco-movement watch. I'll see if I can get an Omega or something nice. DUnno how much it's gonna cost me... Probably a hell of alot. It's just something I would like.. No idea when or how I'm going to get it. That's about all that's new and interesting. Gonna try to clean up a bit tonight then get to bed early.
umm I was just taking a breeze through your pics and found Peta kills animals thanks alot I've been researching PETA all week for their .....more charming qualities
Oh no I realise the site is full of holes but some of it is true. I did some checking up on some of there resources some dont exsit and some are true with a few exagerations for propaganda sake.