Yes I'm still alive. I have spent little time on the 'pooter latly. What with girlsfriend staying here for the holidays. She went back tonight.
New years was crazy pants fun. I'm not sure if there are pictures or who has them. There was a video which was insano.
The next day after everybody got shoed out of the house we went sledding out at me daddy's... We brought our plastic torpedoes then I went into the shed and pulled out my dad's old sled... Little suicide sled that thing was. The metal skis which you control with the wooden bar at the front. Here was the kicker... We sled down our driveway, always have. It's a steep gravel road followed by a hundred foot stretch and another steep hill with a curve. Then there's the roads around my dad's property at the bottom... All the snow had melted then frozen again before we got there so it was ice.
I got on that puppy head first, holding the steering bar with my hands and went down the first hill, over the stretch, down the second hill, having to turn hard to keep from going off the road, still skidding sideways. then down the road at the bottom of the hill probably a hundred yards before stopping. Almost making it to the slope down to the waterfront, where I would have gone even further onto the ice... But didn't make it.
Then I got the bright idea to take the video camera down with me... By this time I was roasting from the quarter mile hike back up the hill so I took off my coat and my sweater and just wore my new spande shirt to cut down on wind resistance... Yeah probably not the best idea considerign I had to hold the camera in one hand. ON the turn at the second hill I was skidding. I turned hard into it to keep from going off the one side of the road, then my skis caught the road again and I went straight into the opposite edge of the road, my sled stopped in the snow and threw me off. Little tiny ice crystals embedding themselves in my arm and dicing me up good... So much fun....
The rest of the week has pretty much been work, come home spend time with girl and family. Went out to eat lots. Then saturday we felt like we'd been so busy that we'd just sit around all day, eat and play digimon world. We watched 28 days later, Susi didn't get to sleep after 3:00 because of it. then we got up today and played more digimon... Mom was back once again for the weekend on buisness, she brought me my jewelry bible which finaly arrived. My matrix set is probably there now but wasn't in time for her to bring it.
That's been the lot of it...
But yay now all the pictures have finished downloading so I can post them.
That gives you an idea of the hill...
And that's what it can do to you.
Corvus_9 and I before the aching kicked in.
Da Susi and me.
New years was crazy pants fun. I'm not sure if there are pictures or who has them. There was a video which was insano.
The next day after everybody got shoed out of the house we went sledding out at me daddy's... We brought our plastic torpedoes then I went into the shed and pulled out my dad's old sled... Little suicide sled that thing was. The metal skis which you control with the wooden bar at the front. Here was the kicker... We sled down our driveway, always have. It's a steep gravel road followed by a hundred foot stretch and another steep hill with a curve. Then there's the roads around my dad's property at the bottom... All the snow had melted then frozen again before we got there so it was ice.
I got on that puppy head first, holding the steering bar with my hands and went down the first hill, over the stretch, down the second hill, having to turn hard to keep from going off the road, still skidding sideways. then down the road at the bottom of the hill probably a hundred yards before stopping. Almost making it to the slope down to the waterfront, where I would have gone even further onto the ice... But didn't make it.
Then I got the bright idea to take the video camera down with me... By this time I was roasting from the quarter mile hike back up the hill so I took off my coat and my sweater and just wore my new spande shirt to cut down on wind resistance... Yeah probably not the best idea considerign I had to hold the camera in one hand. ON the turn at the second hill I was skidding. I turned hard into it to keep from going off the one side of the road, then my skis caught the road again and I went straight into the opposite edge of the road, my sled stopped in the snow and threw me off. Little tiny ice crystals embedding themselves in my arm and dicing me up good... So much fun....
The rest of the week has pretty much been work, come home spend time with girl and family. Went out to eat lots. Then saturday we felt like we'd been so busy that we'd just sit around all day, eat and play digimon world. We watched 28 days later, Susi didn't get to sleep after 3:00 because of it. then we got up today and played more digimon... Mom was back once again for the weekend on buisness, she brought me my jewelry bible which finaly arrived. My matrix set is probably there now but wasn't in time for her to bring it.
That's been the lot of it...
But yay now all the pictures have finished downloading so I can post them.

That gives you an idea of the hill...

And that's what it can do to you.

Corvus_9 and I before the aching kicked in.

Da Susi and me.