Guuuh. What a horrible fucking day...
Real horrible fucking days don't occour that often for me... I might bitch and complain now and then... Or alot.
But it's all mundane compared to the real bad days like today.
Started off on the long, windy snowy walk to the bus stop, which was kind of fortelling of the lousy day ahead.
I wore my nice shiny rescue/combat boots because they have good treads on them. My cheapo dress shoes are comming apart and the treads are completely worn off.
I figured nobody would notice. They look pretty nice.
Take note of this decision as it has a major impact on the rest of the day...
On the bus, yay the cute girls was there, sitting at the back. I may even have been in the mood to strike up random cnoversation... But a friend of hers came in and started talking to her. So meh... Whatever. I mean.. She's just some random cute girl I ride the bus with every now and then. I have bigger fish to fry.
I get in. Me boss is there. She has some jobs for me which is yay. Then she leaves.
A little delicate, preciese... But I'm happy to take it on. It was for a woman comming in that day. She's really fussy and has been waiting a while for them.
She specificaly says don't let anything break off of them. Just add the little grooves.
I really didn't see how I could break anything off of them. I'm pretty gentle with my hands and can do fine detail like this...
Taking the earrings over to the polishing machine, I got distracted by one of the other workers. A customer wanted to know how heavy a chain was so she could compare prices down the way. I grabbed the scale and fiddled to get it out of the box. I look down at my hand and see only one earring.. I hand the girl the scale and think I must have left the other at the desk. I take one step... Crack.... It was under my boot... My very heavy boot with the deep treads. Which is probably what caused the back to snap off rather than just bend.
Had I worn my dress shoes like I did the last snowwy winters day. This might not have happened the way it did.
My heart sank. My boss has enough stress to deal with and here was some more. I wasn't sure she'd be able to fix it in time, I still don't know if she did.
I care about her alot and I can't stand to dissapoint her. I'm really happy to be part of that store but now I feel so freaking ashamed for being so clumsy... I felt like shit the rest of the day.
My boss calls and says she needs me to stay an extra hour because she's gonna be late comming back in.
I tell her about the earrings. I'm sure her heart sank as deep as mine.
The lady come in and is furious that her earrings aren't ready and that my boss isn't there. Bla bla bla. Random snooty ass hole complaints... Meanwhile I'm hunched over my desk in the corner beginning to shake from the thought of subjecting Terry to more problems.
Then I wanted to throw up.
And you know. When you feel that shitty, you can't help but think about everything else that's wrong with your life and it really screws you up.
So she comes back after crazy lady left. Still very diessapointed and very stressed out.
5:00 rolls around and I head out feeling like shit.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to go the the lapidary club christmas potluck like I said I was going to.
I'd have half an hour to cook what I was bringing having worked late, then head down and may or may not enjoy myself... Well I know can cook up a large quantity of noodles with mushroom and herb white sauce in 25 minutes.
Fuck I was exausted. Ran out, caught the bus just in time. Got in and actually did enjoy myself quite a bit.
It felt nice to be around so many people in such a holiday atmosphere. For a minute I felt like I was back down in in the states at one of my huge family holiday get togethers.
The tables end to end, everybody talking and having a great time. Having conversations with people I hardly knew but didn't feel so bad about not knowing because I knew for sure I wasn't related to them.
There was a jade monkey gift exchange. I got a formations of quarts, pyrite and a bunch of other ugly things in a clump... I dunno... I can't make gems from it... Some of the little crystals might be nice on something if they're clear enough. But I'll probably give it to my little geologist friend. She'd probably cream herself at the sight of it.
As soon as I got home the mood blackened. I flopped out on the couch switching through the five channels I get now, cuddling with Kaieda. Did a bit of cleaning and that's about it...
Damnit. I can't wait to get to new york. I'm on the go doing things I love 4-6 days a week and none of it throws me into plesant social situations. Most of the people in the rock club are old or little kids. The lone young female has a boyfriend.
I know very well I don't need to be in a relationship to enjoy my life. But it's been too long with nothing but bad expiriences. And I freaking need to be touched.
The best I can hope for right now is 9 months with someone start to finish.
Now that would break my previous record of 6 months with my first boyfriend. Well, official six months... We were banging for another year probably. Then he went to school.... Once when he was back visiting and lacking a terribly private inconspicuouse place for us to run off to, I blew him in the shed... Yes.. That's right ladies... Enjoy that mental image for a moment.............
Ok time to listen to Davey bitch some more.
I don't consider myself terribly shy and I'll at least make friends really quickly at this school. But it's still nine months away and I'm freaking insane NOW.
Tomorrow should keep me content for a little while. Going out for a bit of a pub crawl.
But after a day like today I just wanted to come home and be cuddled.
Kitty arms aren't big enough. It can be a little dangerouse letting a big snake cuddle you,
Besides, Snake-snake isn't quite big enough yet.
But snakey kisses are the best kinda kisses.... That's a lie... Girl kisses are the best kindda kisses but how likely is it that that's gonna happen any time soon?
I'm gonna go into the lapidary club tomorrow and cut some rocks. Might have some pictures up later that day.. Mebby not. Depends on what I get finished.
Grr... My sexy gloves and shirt showing up would make me a little happy. But I don't expect those until monday now.
Me probably gonna put on some music and crash now... Night night, stupid planet.
Real horrible fucking days don't occour that often for me... I might bitch and complain now and then... Or alot.
But it's all mundane compared to the real bad days like today.
Started off on the long, windy snowy walk to the bus stop, which was kind of fortelling of the lousy day ahead.
I wore my nice shiny rescue/combat boots because they have good treads on them. My cheapo dress shoes are comming apart and the treads are completely worn off.
I figured nobody would notice. They look pretty nice.
Take note of this decision as it has a major impact on the rest of the day...
On the bus, yay the cute girls was there, sitting at the back. I may even have been in the mood to strike up random cnoversation... But a friend of hers came in and started talking to her. So meh... Whatever. I mean.. She's just some random cute girl I ride the bus with every now and then. I have bigger fish to fry.
I get in. Me boss is there. She has some jobs for me which is yay. Then she leaves.
A little delicate, preciese... But I'm happy to take it on. It was for a woman comming in that day. She's really fussy and has been waiting a while for them.
She specificaly says don't let anything break off of them. Just add the little grooves.
I really didn't see how I could break anything off of them. I'm pretty gentle with my hands and can do fine detail like this...
Taking the earrings over to the polishing machine, I got distracted by one of the other workers. A customer wanted to know how heavy a chain was so she could compare prices down the way. I grabbed the scale and fiddled to get it out of the box. I look down at my hand and see only one earring.. I hand the girl the scale and think I must have left the other at the desk. I take one step... Crack.... It was under my boot... My very heavy boot with the deep treads. Which is probably what caused the back to snap off rather than just bend.
Had I worn my dress shoes like I did the last snowwy winters day. This might not have happened the way it did.
My heart sank. My boss has enough stress to deal with and here was some more. I wasn't sure she'd be able to fix it in time, I still don't know if she did.
I care about her alot and I can't stand to dissapoint her. I'm really happy to be part of that store but now I feel so freaking ashamed for being so clumsy... I felt like shit the rest of the day.
My boss calls and says she needs me to stay an extra hour because she's gonna be late comming back in.
I tell her about the earrings. I'm sure her heart sank as deep as mine.
The lady come in and is furious that her earrings aren't ready and that my boss isn't there. Bla bla bla. Random snooty ass hole complaints... Meanwhile I'm hunched over my desk in the corner beginning to shake from the thought of subjecting Terry to more problems.
Then I wanted to throw up.
And you know. When you feel that shitty, you can't help but think about everything else that's wrong with your life and it really screws you up.
So she comes back after crazy lady left. Still very diessapointed and very stressed out.
5:00 rolls around and I head out feeling like shit.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to go the the lapidary club christmas potluck like I said I was going to.
I'd have half an hour to cook what I was bringing having worked late, then head down and may or may not enjoy myself... Well I know can cook up a large quantity of noodles with mushroom and herb white sauce in 25 minutes.
Fuck I was exausted. Ran out, caught the bus just in time. Got in and actually did enjoy myself quite a bit.
It felt nice to be around so many people in such a holiday atmosphere. For a minute I felt like I was back down in in the states at one of my huge family holiday get togethers.
The tables end to end, everybody talking and having a great time. Having conversations with people I hardly knew but didn't feel so bad about not knowing because I knew for sure I wasn't related to them.
There was a jade monkey gift exchange. I got a formations of quarts, pyrite and a bunch of other ugly things in a clump... I dunno... I can't make gems from it... Some of the little crystals might be nice on something if they're clear enough. But I'll probably give it to my little geologist friend. She'd probably cream herself at the sight of it.
As soon as I got home the mood blackened. I flopped out on the couch switching through the five channels I get now, cuddling with Kaieda. Did a bit of cleaning and that's about it...
Damnit. I can't wait to get to new york. I'm on the go doing things I love 4-6 days a week and none of it throws me into plesant social situations. Most of the people in the rock club are old or little kids. The lone young female has a boyfriend.
I know very well I don't need to be in a relationship to enjoy my life. But it's been too long with nothing but bad expiriences. And I freaking need to be touched.
The best I can hope for right now is 9 months with someone start to finish.
Now that would break my previous record of 6 months with my first boyfriend. Well, official six months... We were banging for another year probably. Then he went to school.... Once when he was back visiting and lacking a terribly private inconspicuouse place for us to run off to, I blew him in the shed... Yes.. That's right ladies... Enjoy that mental image for a moment.............
Ok time to listen to Davey bitch some more.
I don't consider myself terribly shy and I'll at least make friends really quickly at this school. But it's still nine months away and I'm freaking insane NOW.
Tomorrow should keep me content for a little while. Going out for a bit of a pub crawl.
But after a day like today I just wanted to come home and be cuddled.
Kitty arms aren't big enough. It can be a little dangerouse letting a big snake cuddle you,
Besides, Snake-snake isn't quite big enough yet.
But snakey kisses are the best kinda kisses.... That's a lie... Girl kisses are the best kindda kisses but how likely is it that that's gonna happen any time soon?
I'm gonna go into the lapidary club tomorrow and cut some rocks. Might have some pictures up later that day.. Mebby not. Depends on what I get finished.
Grr... My sexy gloves and shirt showing up would make me a little happy. But I don't expect those until monday now.
Me probably gonna put on some music and crash now... Night night, stupid planet.
Thank you. Sorry you had such a shitty day.
I bet those boots are hot though. ~.^
Who is this guy now?