RAAAAWR!!!! Davey smash! Davey kill!!! Davey..... Clean the house up because there's nothing better to do!
I've been catching up on my zombie movies since the party. Having been grumpy and tired by the time we put on origional Dawn of the Dead and missing Land of the dead while cooking food for hungover ppls the next morning...
Watched dawn on Turesday.
When I got home on Wednesday the cable was out.
It was stupidly windy, I found out the next morning a house had been struck by lightning. So I figured. Cable was out from the storm.. After my movie was over it was still out. I called, there were no reported outtages so I talked to someone. Turns out that was the day they came to cut the cable TV we had cancled. But the idiot cut the internet instead! And they wouldn't be able to get back until sunday to fix it.
So what is a guy to do? Everything he should be doing while he normaly pisses away the day on the internet.
I got some cleaning done.
I think the owner of the jewellry store is becomming a tad senile.
She came in for the rememberence day ceramony in the mall, and because I had nothing to do right away she suggested that I go home. Then almost sounded like she was insisting... Now... I can't afford to go home just because there's nothing to do and because nobody's trained me to do the things that need to be done. That's kind of a no brainer.
Then she made some light hearted comment about "It's kind of funny, we stood next to a german during rememberence day." One of our workers is from germany... Good god woman... She's a scary dutch lady so it's hard to talk back to her. But geeze! The war was over years ago! There were good germans during the war anyway! They didn't all agree with hitler!
So I'ma talk to Terry on tuesday about this... I at least want her to show me a thing or two about soldering gold... Supposedly it's easier than silver... Supposedly.
Every time I think I've got it I find the next time I can't repeat it.
Just starting to feel a little useless.
Friday night was a swap meet at the lapidary club. Their first 'meeting' of the season. I got some pretty shiny things!
A Mexican Jelly Opal for $8. It has one little inclusion on the edge but I hear that's common with them and there are ways of hiding it. A honduras Opal for $2. Nothing too special looking but not something you see every day. Finaly, a Rutilated Quartz cab. Just clear quartz with these little gossamer needles through it.
Terry has a gem of turmelated quartz but the needles are black, and I like cabs more anyway.
Everybody's buddying up to me now that they know I'm going to new york. They got a picture just so when I'm famous they can gloat about how I got started at the kingston lapidary club.
I showed off the stones I had pulled from that tumbler my grandma gave me and was reminded that the shop was open the next day if I wanted to learn to cut cabs.
So I got up the next morning and went.
I took this piece of agate that someone had traced out a shape for a cab on with red marker, but never finished it, so I traced out a new outline and cut it. After grinding it down to the edge of the circle I found out that the marker had seeped into the rock, Staining it pretty deep. As I shaped it down to form the dome it still wouldn't come out. So I finished it up and figured the only thing to do with it now was to dye it.
It's now at the shop in a jar of red dye until next week at least.
Next I pulled out a chunk of bloodstone and carved a teeny little square cab. I'm quite proud of it. I did that one in about an hour I think. Next weekend I'm gonna try to make a few more out of other stuff I've got.
I could potentialy do this at home if I get my saw and grinding wheel set up. But I only have one wheel. So I'd have to get a bunch done with the first stone, switch to the next one, and the next and the next. Then if I have to go back on any I have to switch the grit again.
We'll see how much work it is. It might be worth doing.
The rest of saturday was pretty much a bust other than cleaning. And today, cable dude hooked me back up to the net.
So here I am...
Just resubmitted my Lightfighter order. The shirts I wanted, which I ordered in July, they just found out, only come in medium. So I'm just going to order one, and also some spiffy, cut and heat resistant gloves since I have another $30 credit on my card. Just gonna cost me another $13 or so.
Ok me go try to accomplish something then piss away more time on the computer.. Byee!
Wow.. People have gone back to look at my first suicideboys set now...
I've been catching up on my zombie movies since the party. Having been grumpy and tired by the time we put on origional Dawn of the Dead and missing Land of the dead while cooking food for hungover ppls the next morning...
Watched dawn on Turesday.
When I got home on Wednesday the cable was out.
It was stupidly windy, I found out the next morning a house had been struck by lightning. So I figured. Cable was out from the storm.. After my movie was over it was still out. I called, there were no reported outtages so I talked to someone. Turns out that was the day they came to cut the cable TV we had cancled. But the idiot cut the internet instead! And they wouldn't be able to get back until sunday to fix it.
So what is a guy to do? Everything he should be doing while he normaly pisses away the day on the internet.
I got some cleaning done.
I think the owner of the jewellry store is becomming a tad senile.
She came in for the rememberence day ceramony in the mall, and because I had nothing to do right away she suggested that I go home. Then almost sounded like she was insisting... Now... I can't afford to go home just because there's nothing to do and because nobody's trained me to do the things that need to be done. That's kind of a no brainer.
Then she made some light hearted comment about "It's kind of funny, we stood next to a german during rememberence day." One of our workers is from germany... Good god woman... She's a scary dutch lady so it's hard to talk back to her. But geeze! The war was over years ago! There were good germans during the war anyway! They didn't all agree with hitler!
So I'ma talk to Terry on tuesday about this... I at least want her to show me a thing or two about soldering gold... Supposedly it's easier than silver... Supposedly.
Every time I think I've got it I find the next time I can't repeat it.
Just starting to feel a little useless.
Friday night was a swap meet at the lapidary club. Their first 'meeting' of the season. I got some pretty shiny things!
A Mexican Jelly Opal for $8. It has one little inclusion on the edge but I hear that's common with them and there are ways of hiding it. A honduras Opal for $2. Nothing too special looking but not something you see every day. Finaly, a Rutilated Quartz cab. Just clear quartz with these little gossamer needles through it.
Terry has a gem of turmelated quartz but the needles are black, and I like cabs more anyway.
Everybody's buddying up to me now that they know I'm going to new york. They got a picture just so when I'm famous they can gloat about how I got started at the kingston lapidary club.
I showed off the stones I had pulled from that tumbler my grandma gave me and was reminded that the shop was open the next day if I wanted to learn to cut cabs.
So I got up the next morning and went.
I took this piece of agate that someone had traced out a shape for a cab on with red marker, but never finished it, so I traced out a new outline and cut it. After grinding it down to the edge of the circle I found out that the marker had seeped into the rock, Staining it pretty deep. As I shaped it down to form the dome it still wouldn't come out. So I finished it up and figured the only thing to do with it now was to dye it.
It's now at the shop in a jar of red dye until next week at least.
Next I pulled out a chunk of bloodstone and carved a teeny little square cab. I'm quite proud of it. I did that one in about an hour I think. Next weekend I'm gonna try to make a few more out of other stuff I've got.
I could potentialy do this at home if I get my saw and grinding wheel set up. But I only have one wheel. So I'd have to get a bunch done with the first stone, switch to the next one, and the next and the next. Then if I have to go back on any I have to switch the grit again.
We'll see how much work it is. It might be worth doing.
The rest of saturday was pretty much a bust other than cleaning. And today, cable dude hooked me back up to the net.
So here I am...
Just resubmitted my Lightfighter order. The shirts I wanted, which I ordered in July, they just found out, only come in medium. So I'm just going to order one, and also some spiffy, cut and heat resistant gloves since I have another $30 credit on my card. Just gonna cost me another $13 or so.
Ok me go try to accomplish something then piss away more time on the computer.. Byee!
Wow.. People have gone back to look at my first suicideboys set now...
Cleaning is so fucking therapeutic. When I'm stressing out, that's what I do.
I'd love to sit on the couch with my cat for an hour. At the time that picture was taken, MadCat had been sitting there for about two hours. Not in that position mind you. He squirmed and rolled around, but he was bound and determined to not let me get out of that chair.