Hallomaween night was uneventful. Sarita and a couple other friends dropped by to see if I wanted to go to a bit of a gather. But I decided I'd rather sit at homwe on the lawn and attempt to frighten children.
I sat all decked out in my dragon mask, claw gloves and cloak, sat on a lawn chair and waited...
I was going to wait for people to go up to the front door, knock then get up behind them and tap them on the shoulder. But I only had a few more kids come after I got set up and they were all too young and adorable to fighten like that. The one little middle eastern boy was having enough trouble with me when he saw that I was moving around. I wouldn't wanna freak them out any more.
Tonight was the first anual Reel Strange Film Festival.
All indies... Some short, the longest being half an hour.
The organizer is a girl I work with at the grocerie store. Her husband is the one doing photography for that zombie movie.
Turns out he's also shooting a set for a new suicide girl.
I dunno if it's one of the five current kingston members or someone who hasn't joined up yet. But we shall see.
A couple of em were really pretty good.. The most of them actually.
I ran into an old airsoft buddy who was in one of the films.... *shiver*... Naked... He played a suicidal guy who a pizza delivery guy walks in on in the middle of wanking off to a porno.
I've seen more of Bob than I had ever hoped to see or would wish for anyone to see...
There was an after party which I had a bit of trouble finding. I got in. Had a drink. Mingled then headed home... Fed tha snakeroos and now I gotta hit the hay and get about four hours of sleep before work.
Night night all!