OK, my first official blog of 2012.
job still sucks check
feelimg unappreciated check
same shit at home check
not able to quit job check
not back on a beach check
I grew up believeing "If you can't say anything good,,,Don't say anything at all" so that leaves 2011 out. Nuf said.
So on a more positive note, my plans are to get back to school ( which I failed miserably last semester ) and learn what I need to accomplish changing above list.
And I stand corrected, there were a few good things from 2011, I met some wonderful ppl here in SG. I know it's names on a friends list but I intend to do my best to actually become friends and not just have the list.

I use to have a job I loved, but now,,,,, yuck,, phewy. The beach will come once I get this school stuff down and scratch off all items on list.