I already missed you guys so incredibly much and then i read all my blog comments and nearly cried! you're all so good to me and i love you! An update on the ex being a dick he sent my picture to someone he knew had a crush on me. The guy was nice enough to let me know and told my ex to get over it lol. I'm not really worried about it honestly. When i got the message i was a little annoyed but thought hey i go on Sg because i think beauty should be shared so why hide it like that? You guys always help pick up my mood! I can't explain how grateful i am!
I really wish i could be on more! Even now i'm doing my homework while i write this. Please know that i'm thinking of you even if i'm not able to be on! This was my last week of my first class. Now i start my second one which has more to do with my major. Wish me luck!
I went to the anime convention in Balitmore this weekend that just passed. I had fun but it's exhausting being around so many people. The first day i dressed up as Yuki from Vampire Knight. I ended up getting too hot with the jacket within the first hour and left it in the car lol. The second day i wore my kimono and bought a sweet wig! Did i mention how much i love costumes and wigs? Haha i'm sure you can tell by my picture folder. On the third day it was lazy day and i just wore jeans, a shirt, and my cat ears. I wonder if i saw any of you there and didn't know it! i tried to go to the hentai stuff at night but got too annoyed. The lines were crazy and they didn't have them set up well so even though i was at the front i ended up getting in with people who were at the back. When i finally got in i had a drunk guy behind me being stupid and an immature girl next to me yelling about titties and such. Everyone was talking and i couldn't hear the speakers so i ended up leaving. The second day i wanted to watch Bible Black and ended up hanging out at the bar with my friend and a new person we met. He was cool and got me a drink. It was still half an hour to go for the showing when i left for it but the line was huge and i said forget this. Afterall i've already seen it! Let's just say it was an exhausting weekend. Here are some pics! My friend doesnt take good pics. I took the ones of others and he took the ones of me.
I was so excited when i saw him!
Let's hope soon i can do a video with the new things i got!
I really wish i could be on more! Even now i'm doing my homework while i write this. Please know that i'm thinking of you even if i'm not able to be on! This was my last week of my first class. Now i start my second one which has more to do with my major. Wish me luck!
I went to the anime convention in Balitmore this weekend that just passed. I had fun but it's exhausting being around so many people. The first day i dressed up as Yuki from Vampire Knight. I ended up getting too hot with the jacket within the first hour and left it in the car lol. The second day i wore my kimono and bought a sweet wig! Did i mention how much i love costumes and wigs? Haha i'm sure you can tell by my picture folder. On the third day it was lazy day and i just wore jeans, a shirt, and my cat ears. I wonder if i saw any of you there and didn't know it! i tried to go to the hentai stuff at night but got too annoyed. The lines were crazy and they didn't have them set up well so even though i was at the front i ended up getting in with people who were at the back. When i finally got in i had a drunk guy behind me being stupid and an immature girl next to me yelling about titties and such. Everyone was talking and i couldn't hear the speakers so i ended up leaving. The second day i wanted to watch Bible Black and ended up hanging out at the bar with my friend and a new person we met. He was cool and got me a drink. It was still half an hour to go for the showing when i left for it but the line was huge and i said forget this. Afterall i've already seen it! Let's just say it was an exhausting weekend. Here are some pics! My friend doesnt take good pics. I took the ones of others and he took the ones of me.
I was so excited when i saw him!

Let's hope soon i can do a video with the new things i got!
awesome I like the school girl outfit... I wanna go to more anime shows! cant wait to see more pics stuff looks way fun.
yeah, that's what i've always thought as far as trust, too. but i'm stuck living with him for now. i've told him there's a decent chance i'll break up with him the moment i can move away. but for now, it seems like this is the far less painful way to deal with it. and maybe in time i will trust him again. idk.