I had an...interesting day the other day. While i was taking a shower i forgot about my piercing and accidently ripped it out of my nose. It hurt so badly and I felt so sick! Then i couldn't get the jewelry back into my nose. I was so freaked that my new piercing would close up. After all my effort I still couldn't get the jewelry back in. It was a very strange shape. It was almost an L shape but with another twist. I thought maybe my hole had closed but I got lucky. I ran to the mall and bought more jewelry; hoop design this time. I was able to get it in and it's still there. It's not a piece of jewelry i really like but it'll keep my hole from closing. It may get smaller though : (.
I stuck the hoop into my nose while in the bathroom at the mall (I brought my spray with me and cleaned it first). The girls walking out were talking about it as if i was snorting crack or something lol. I feel so relieved i saved my piercing. Should i stick a thicker hoop in though? I don't want to be changing it.
Oh, if anyone in my area needs your hair or nails done I have a friend who'd do it cheap. She knows what she's doing ^.^.
I stuck the hoop into my nose while in the bathroom at the mall (I brought my spray with me and cleaned it first). The girls walking out were talking about it as if i was snorting crack or something lol. I feel so relieved i saved my piercing. Should i stick a thicker hoop in though? I don't want to be changing it.
Oh, if anyone in my area needs your hair or nails done I have a friend who'd do it cheap. She knows what she's doing ^.^.
youre so sweet! hehe