Meep. Been listening to old sentimental songs. Kinda spooky. They all have more meaning NOW than they did back when I first heard them.
Our resident Possum was hit this morning. I'm devastated. It was the mama, and I have Nooooo clue where her two little darling babies are. They'll surely perish without her. She was trying to cross the road in front of our house. I know it was her vs the other one we've had because her nose and face were distinctive. The other visiting possum had a more concave face/nose. I wish I could go on the neighboring land and look for the babies, I'd hand raise them. I'm really upset over this. This was their home first.
Mummy Rainbow's litter is just adorable.
Three mouse-gray tabby puff balls (one male, one female, one female with white mittens) and one charcoal-soot tabby puff ball (female). They're a mess of cuteness. The mittened one (Mittens, duh) is very shy. The male is adventurous (Safari). The male's twin sis is a total scaredy cat (Scaredy). The blackish tabby kitten looks like her big bro Fat-Jack, but I'm a loss at what to call her. Tabby, I guess, for now. I want to keep them, get them all fixed, but I think my fiance is going to blow a cog at the thought of a house full of critters.
Especially if I can locate those possum babies.
Rosie has been coming back regularly with her bandit's mask and dexterous paws, nicking cat food left and right. She has got to be the best fed raccoon around. I hope she's quicker about getting across the road, if she does live over there. Last year she had her kits up to feed on scraps and cat food. OMG they were so lovely!
I'm going to miss living out in the sticks. I hope we don't have to spend long in that blasted old house in town, I can't stand city living even if it is a tiny podunk town. It's still a town. I much prefer my naturally wild and free neighbors to human ones. I miss seeing the coyotes cross and the bobcat prints in the soft mud after a good heavy rain. If we do stay there long I am going to insist on a couple of pygmy goats in the yard. They're like dogs, only better. (I had a goat once, she was such a hoot!)
Ah, more sentimental songs from my past... I shed a tear to the Dead Milkmen. Those were the days.
Our resident Possum was hit this morning. I'm devastated. It was the mama, and I have Nooooo clue where her two little darling babies are. They'll surely perish without her. She was trying to cross the road in front of our house. I know it was her vs the other one we've had because her nose and face were distinctive. The other visiting possum had a more concave face/nose. I wish I could go on the neighboring land and look for the babies, I'd hand raise them. I'm really upset over this. This was their home first.
Mummy Rainbow's litter is just adorable.
Especially if I can locate those possum babies.
Rosie has been coming back regularly with her bandit's mask and dexterous paws, nicking cat food left and right. She has got to be the best fed raccoon around. I hope she's quicker about getting across the road, if she does live over there. Last year she had her kits up to feed on scraps and cat food. OMG they were so lovely!
I'm going to miss living out in the sticks. I hope we don't have to spend long in that blasted old house in town, I can't stand city living even if it is a tiny podunk town. It's still a town. I much prefer my naturally wild and free neighbors to human ones. I miss seeing the coyotes cross and the bobcat prints in the soft mud after a good heavy rain. If we do stay there long I am going to insist on a couple of pygmy goats in the yard. They're like dogs, only better. (I had a goat once, she was such a hoot!)
Ah, more sentimental songs from my past... I shed a tear to the Dead Milkmen. Those were the days.