Slightly annoyed that neither Firefox nor IE will let me update my pics on the profile tab here.
Mama kitty Rainbow had a litter today, during the cold front. It dropped from 80's earlier this week to now in the low 30s with a heck of a wind chill. She's in a sheltered area of the garage, but it's still colder than a witch's titty out there. Other than move them all and risk the kittens being abandoned, I can't do anything but let them stay put and make sure mama hasn't far to go for food and water. The rest of my cats are indoors- two with my twins and one with me and my Monkey (youngest son).
Decided to crochet and knit a mess of grocery totes (also, I'll sew some once I have space to sew) since apparently Texas is screwed in the head and wants to put a tax on the plastic bags (but doesn't see fit to pressure stores into using paper bags again.) I can be green. I'm good at it. I reuse those plastic bags for household trash, now I'll make a sort of yarn out of them to crochet into sturdy totes.
The wind outside is brutal. It's scraping the trees against the roof. Either that or the boogey man is out to get me.
Mama kitty Rainbow had a litter today, during the cold front. It dropped from 80's earlier this week to now in the low 30s with a heck of a wind chill. She's in a sheltered area of the garage, but it's still colder than a witch's titty out there. Other than move them all and risk the kittens being abandoned, I can't do anything but let them stay put and make sure mama hasn't far to go for food and water. The rest of my cats are indoors- two with my twins and one with me and my Monkey (youngest son).
Decided to crochet and knit a mess of grocery totes (also, I'll sew some once I have space to sew) since apparently Texas is screwed in the head and wants to put a tax on the plastic bags (but doesn't see fit to pressure stores into using paper bags again.) I can be green. I'm good at it. I reuse those plastic bags for household trash, now I'll make a sort of yarn out of them to crochet into sturdy totes.

The wind outside is brutal. It's scraping the trees against the roof. Either that or the boogey man is out to get me.