Resident eveil 4 kicks so much ass it's not even funny. I love this game , its so bad ass compared to the others. I 've decided todays a day of gaming and I look forward to it . It's almost friday but maybe friday will be a game day to and than maybe some beer !!!!! ha ha ha
We're waiting for the used copies to be more than $5 off the new price. whatever Want! Zombies! skull Ach!
I aways love time right before i go to bed. all lights are shut off and have my sleep music ready to go The bed i have is enomuse so i love climginging to and just being able to streach and unwind this one of the favorte parts of the day for me..Than the morning comes and i smell
the coffee maker start perking mmmmmmmmm...
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*blinks sleepily* Do they make automatic tea makers? (That are any good.)
I've got some tins that used to have Twinings loose-leaf tea, but they've since been emptied and new teas put inside. Yum, tea.
Zombies !!!!!!!!!

this game looks like a blast seriously

check out the link

Monday is always a good day for me i don't know why really I guesss maybee becuase i enjoy life somtimes i can't wait for the week to start and the adventures that lie adhead . All though this moment here right now is good too. I try and stay on edge, liveing life the best i can . I'm almost done with a computer...
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yes yes she did have along time....
this is old news but Is it me or does David bowie on the live version of Hurt by NIN sound like the coolest guy ever? I don't know why this small tiny issuse is being disscused at this point in my life or more to the point what reavelance does it have with the world haha I think David Bowie does kick ass on...
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hey! i know you!!! you used to go to sketchy wednesday at bottoms up, right?
portland is the same. same drunks, same bars (except BU closed), same old thing. winter's coming, everyone's basement is flooded because it wont stop raining, and PBR is now up to $2.25 at amigos.

lol you got it there...hahahah and you're more then welcome