here's some intresting facts about me.
I absolutly love Krispy Kream doughnuts
I was a park ranger in Oregon and Florida.
I raised a cat that had been weened to early and a recuscuded stray.
I have had only three girlfriends in my life.
I've had a very intresting life and have seen alot of things most of them not plesent.
I sleep undressed
G.I. Joes were my favorite toys growing up.
I hardly ever get sick and have an exellent imune system acording to my doctor.
I have a double tooth wicth in pagon beliefs is the mark of a werewolf
If I really like someone I get nervious and clumbsy
There ya go some Nate facts and remember you heard it here first

There ya go some Nate facts and remember you heard it here first