i was high
like a kite you pulled me through
when you ran
i followed you

clipped at the wings
you held all my strings
i was taught
but never learned a thing

is it any wonder
i came crashing down
when i did i hit solid ground
was it all a blunder
or were all those years i spent
head in clouds heaven sent...
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lately i have been feeling the same way. nothing much for me going on in RI. i feel like i need to move on, but i have some unfinished and rather nasty business to finish with someone
last night i got to sleep next to someone! it was nice, even though he was coughing alot and i was in alot of pain from working out kiss
What does it cost?

i've had enough of religion
empty promises in hollow smiles
"nice to meet you, come back soon"
"don't call us, we'll call you"
there has to be more
than a handshake at the door

i heard the sermon on love
"love your neighbor" and all that tripe
something didn't seem right
when no one loved me that night
still, i needed...
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I've heard the silence of the angels.
I've seen betrayed my faith in men
And their conditions of salvation
In which so blindly they defend.

The tyrant, he lives and dies by the sword,
He has painted his face and tainted the lord,
Into the arena, his faith is restored.

The mortal storm of fear that wages their will
To take away your names will...
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mad I hate colds. Seems like I get one this time of year every year. Don't know why. I eat healthy, take my vitamins, exercise, the whole deal... Just every year one of the buggers gets me.

Colds suck! mad
Colds DO suck! My sympathies to you dear friend....
Just got through three fricken weeks of hell with my "cold"...or as I like to call it the "black plague of death"
Feel better honey!
Thanks Leilu. I've only been struggling with this one for about a week. Today was a better day, until I coughed too hard and pulled a muscle in my neck. LOL! It's actually amusing, although I can't turn my head to the left =)

Thank you for your sympathy smile
First entry. Bored, just waiting for the minutes to tick away before I have to leave. Don't want to, but have to.

Somebody rescue me from this monotany. blackeyed
In case anyone is wondering, that profile pic is me at 2ish and our dog, Buffy. I sure did love that dog growing up. We were pals. She died when I was 15 in high school.

Sad day in the household of Rick, that day.

Damn, I miss that dog. frown

[Edited on Feb 10, 2004 9:00AM]
Thanks Rae smile