i just had the worst fucking day of my fucking life im sick of bitches screaming or talking in specific tones that generate conotation like pavlovs dog fuck bitches i give up i now realize i dont need a girl to vindicate anything and the gothic aesthetic is ludacris melencholy it all boils down to money in the end and i am stinulated by the mediumiam partaking in endlessly thus when my membership runs out in like 20 days all you bitches can continue to look good and yet produce absolutely onthing beneficial to the world/environment such as a hydro electric car you see a suicidegirl girl isnt inventing those things fuck you all
and if you think about it knowledge is so much more beautiful then any random female who can take her clothes off and have a tattoo im sure in the future 3d animation realistic suicide girls will eliminate all your jobs
you all make me sick my epiphany is this
you should visualize a womans knowledge as her exterior body and everything else should be invisible if she isnt pretty then she is not worth the effort of achieving in other words
knowledge is the only beauty
and if you think about it knowledge is so much more beautiful then any random female who can take her clothes off and have a tattoo im sure in the future 3d animation realistic suicide girls will eliminate all your jobs
you all make me sick my epiphany is this
you should visualize a womans knowledge as her exterior body and everything else should be invisible if she isnt pretty then she is not worth the effort of achieving in other words
knowledge is the only beauty
beuty is debateable
beauty is it's own conclusion