Got the compressor out of my room and put my dresser in its place with a piece of glass on top, it is now my kitchen. I put up shelving so I have more room, and I bought a fish to go with the bowl and food I have. I no longer have anything at the ex's house, which is good. I haven't done really much of anything the last week or so, played video games, made a tennis partner, played frisbee golf for the first time. Been staying up all night, sleeping half the day. I saw Inglorious Basterds, the new Tarantino movie, I thought it was pretty good. Waiting for work to come in. The city of Norwalk has work for me, but I've gotta wait for the boss man to figure out the details and get me gas money, since he's in Illinois taking care of family business. And my mom is coming down from Portland in 2 weeks! It's great that I'll get to see her, but I've quickly come to realize that I'm basically going to be her chaufer and I have no gas money and I don't have all the money I owe her and thought that I would have by now (I would, but Trev said he'd pay half and now he's backing out). So, yeah, money's really effing tight, been trying to get by on nothing. Which I'm good at, so it's not too big a deal. Just sucks.

Did someone say tennis? My ears just perked up!
Yup. It's funny where life takes us, eh?