So, this past week, I've done a bit. I framed some oversized postcards and a picture I had to get some practice in, and I must say, I love them! I have a few others I want to do, but haven't gottten around to doing them. The cafe across the street opensback up tomorrow, so I'll be able to get online again with a real computer, and not deal with my phone, which is how I've been navigating this scene here for the past week, so I will post pictures of my framework and pics of Angeles National Forest, since Munke, Duke and I went camping this past Saturday. We found that Dukes new backpack really isn't up to the wilderness challenge, but luckily is fixable. I spent half the day today going through a majority of the crap I own, tossed a bunch of crap and boxed up quite a bit to sell. Brought some more things to my own place. I have a full size fridge now! I'm excited still! I think the only thing I could use now is one of those griddle things you just plug in and make pancakes or whatever. That would be nice to have eventually. Other than that, I'm set. I just need this 80 lb compressor moved out of my room! Then I can put in the dresser, put glass on it and have a kitchen counter!
and put in a shelf above it for a "pantry". My room is really coming along. I love it. Anyway, going through my crap I gained a monster of a sunburn all down my back, so that sucks. But aftermoving stuff and getting back to Tujunga, I happened upon the LAPD's National Night Out, which was being held at the park across the street! I danced for a good three and a half hours, I'm beat! Also met a bunch of people in the community, and learned on how and where and all to get involved with the town and whatnot. Which will be good to do cause from the sounds of it, I'll be owning the framing business and I'll cut James his check every month! We still have a lot of work to do before we can really dig into business, but it's coming together! I'm excited!

Thanks, matey