so, the car came together, finally...the rpm/shifting problem from before, when she wanted to die when taking off was I think because of a couple vacuum lines...
the shifting the only thing we did different was acquired a clip that we lost for a linkage...don't know, but she works...just sucks that I didn't get to get any miles on her before we left, she was finished the day before we left...I tried to drive her slow for the first half the trip, then said fuck it and drove at speed, except the little racing bit....
I topped her at 111 by the guage, but my gps unit said 108 mph...I think the 'stang did about 140...but all in all she did pretty good...we made the 13 hr drive, we are here in sunny california, and I'm feeling much better now that I've had some sleep...I only got 3hrs before we left...The dogs down here are doing ok, the saint bernard isn't too happy, but the beagle is playing with my pit pretty good and the shitzu just doesn't know what to do...I hope everyone gets along!!! A vet bill is the last thing we need...Oh, and the bus? compression of 25lb in cyl 1 and 60 in 2...I don't know how she runs...didn't bother with 3 and 4, just going to rebuild her...

How's the compression on the car? Think you got good ring seating?