Trev and I got a house! We decided that we needed to find a place to stay, since I fucked up my knee and it was hell dealing with that while living in trucks and buses. So we found a two bedroom with garage, fireplace, big backyard with woodshed, it's pretty awesome...and we found a 46" projection screen/flat screen with built in surroun sound; $50! and an almost brand new black velvety couch for $30, and an adjusting, vibrating bed for $120! we just need a coffee table, and various household cleaning items, like vacuum, broom/dustpan, and yard and garden tools. I'm going to start a compost pile, and a garden, I'd like to grow some veggies this year. and there has been lots of talk about Salvia for some reason lately, and I open a gardening magazine and the first page I turn to has Salvia plant tips! I thought that was funny, so I may just start growin some of that in the garden area on the porch. I'll have to post pictures when I get them taken....I love this place! There is a year lease on it, and so we'll be taking the trip after we get the bus fixed, in our new garage! hahahaha..... Trev finally got the ball joints on the mustang done, so now we can put the Geo in there and do the head gasket on the that, and then the work on the bus will in progress....yay! I hope everyone is doing well, and sorry I'm not on more often
We are still internet from the neighbors now, so Ill try to be on more often....Love you all!

Take good care of that knee, and put up some more pictures!