Wow, everything is falling into place!! I cannot wait for the next 6 months to fly by. I am getting my ducks in order now, I'm switching my address to my mom's through the dmv and everything, making everything paperless. Got a more travel-friendly bank, which happens to have a "keep your change" program, where with every debit purchase, they round to the next dollar and throw that change into your savings. I'm buying my new '73 Volkswagen Bus tomorrow, and will be fixing that up, getting it road ready and livable. I graduate in 3 months, will be getting my Automotive Degree, working two jobs for another 3 months or so, and then I will be hitting the road!!! I know I will be going through California, but that's the only plan as of now, besides the fact that the plan is to not have a plan. It will be so much fun to get on the road and go with no worries and no rules, no time constraints, no nothing. Just me, the most wonderful guy, and the awesomest dog ever! God I'm soo Excited!!!!
Happy New Year

Happy Birthday