I swear I'm going to go insane. everyday it's another car problem. First my car wouldn't start, borrowed a friends truck, it dies, get my car going, next morning it don't start, get truck started, switch vehicles, driving mustang, fix car, next morning, car won't start, so drive mustang, car magically starts and runs awesome later that day. I take her mudding (Not the smartest, I realize, but I needed to do something and I wasn't going to ride with someone, I needed to drive). The only thing I did to her was pop the tire off the bead, I throw the donut on and keep mudding. Seat the bead on the tire and air her up, next mornin she's flat. air her up and take her to work, have the new guy check her out, can't find anything. so he replaces the valve core and airs her up, throws her back on. I get to cathlamet 40 min. away and she's fucking flat again. I air her up and take the dog out on logging roads, end up camping out. the spot I slept at was just beautiful. I could see the columbia river, the island where I'm staying, the mountains in oregon, the sky was clear and full of stars, and the moon was full and amazing. Next morning I completely lose myself in the maze of logging roads, following the dog for two hours, before I finally come to something paved, and he still didn't want to get in! I was gaining distance on him doing 5 m/h! I get going and I have absolutely no clue where I am or where I am going. I come out quite a ways from where I started when I hit the highway. I get up to speed, and find that my car won't shift into 5th. She just grinds and pops out. oh yay. I pulled over to let a group of cars pass me, just to find that I have also lost 1st and 3rd. I get to the house, clean my car, and then take a nap. I get up and start heading to work, getting more and more frustrated the more I think about this. I did not want to drive to Longview in 2nd and 4th, that's just wasting gas and pissing me off. So I call a coworker, and he says he can work the night for me. Thank god. This means that I finally get a day off!! I haven't had a full day off in almost two months, and it's definitely wearing on me. I turn around and head back to the house. we dig into my car and find that the shifter linkage came loose. So I tighten a couple of nuts and she's almost back in business. I just need a new tire, which, by the way, I found while on the side of the road, when the guy I work with couldn't find it in the freaking dunk tank! and he didn't balance the thing, she vibrates like hell at 55+. I'm going to have a beer and watch a movie. I hope your guys' weeks have been better. Goodnight!