so, i decided to take Duke for a bike ride today, it had been a few days since his last one...We were doing fine, until we passed a house with dogs in the yard for the millionth time and he decided to run in front of me, and I dropped his leash about the same time the bike went down, and only because I was more determined to chase after him rather than worry about me or the bike, I did not do a horrible face plant into the pavement. I tried running after him even though I was falling, and managed to get my feet underneath me. I got him, made him sit and ignore the dogs while I picked up the bike, and off we were.
There happens to be an awesome paved path between the train tracks and the river where I now live, and we always hop on that to go the circle that we go. I saw a couple people with a couple labs up ahead and yelled to them so that they wouldn't be surprised when I come up to them. The boy, prolly about 10 or 11, made his dog sit, and the little girl, around 7 or 8 or so, got out of my way. I held Duke close to me, so I wouldn't be taking up the whole path, and the next thing I know, I'm trying to not slide down the steep gravel embankment, my right foot is caught in the bike, Duke is next to me, I'm not sure if he's tangled with me or not, I see the big lab halfway down the emankment, now without leash and collar, and then I see the smaller lab, little farther up than the other, also without leash/collar. I manage to get myself off the bike and onto the pavement, I see some new guy throwing rocks at the big lab, notice the little lab trying to sniff Duke, thought not a big threat, then I see big lab jump, my arm gets bit, there's the threat. I have big lab by scruff of neck in one hand and Duke by the leash in the other hand trying to keep them apart, Duke being more of a pussy than anything, I don't recall him trying to attack, mainly that lab. the young boy picks the front half of the dog up, I see a leash and collar on the ground, so with Duke's head between my knees, holding him back (which wasn't hard, fucking pussy!), I slipped the collar on the lab for the boy. The new guy told me to start walking, I looked at the bike, he said he'd get it. I started walking, I heard him tell the kids to start walking, I turn and see them heading off. The guy brought me the bike. He asked if I was ok, of course i was, but I was still pretty shocked at what just happened. It all happened so quick, and it was just so crazy. That little girl did not have the strength to hold that big lab, walk him, yes, but not when he goes to attack my dog. and the their fucking collars slipping off? that's bullshit. get a smaller collar! I mentioned to the guy that I got the brunt of the force, and showed him the bite, he happened to have a wet cloth on him (ironic?), and he wiped it off a little bit. It barely broke the skin, so I'm not too worried about it. I just think it's kinda funny that so many people are scared of pits eating their children or something, and I've owned two pits, and the very first bite I got was from a lab! (I know, two pits aren't a lot, but I will be owning more, since I will be building a house and having property, and I will be fostering pit bulls.) It was a crazy ride!
There happens to be an awesome paved path between the train tracks and the river where I now live, and we always hop on that to go the circle that we go. I saw a couple people with a couple labs up ahead and yelled to them so that they wouldn't be surprised when I come up to them. The boy, prolly about 10 or 11, made his dog sit, and the little girl, around 7 or 8 or so, got out of my way. I held Duke close to me, so I wouldn't be taking up the whole path, and the next thing I know, I'm trying to not slide down the steep gravel embankment, my right foot is caught in the bike, Duke is next to me, I'm not sure if he's tangled with me or not, I see the big lab halfway down the emankment, now without leash and collar, and then I see the smaller lab, little farther up than the other, also without leash/collar. I manage to get myself off the bike and onto the pavement, I see some new guy throwing rocks at the big lab, notice the little lab trying to sniff Duke, thought not a big threat, then I see big lab jump, my arm gets bit, there's the threat. I have big lab by scruff of neck in one hand and Duke by the leash in the other hand trying to keep them apart, Duke being more of a pussy than anything, I don't recall him trying to attack, mainly that lab. the young boy picks the front half of the dog up, I see a leash and collar on the ground, so with Duke's head between my knees, holding him back (which wasn't hard, fucking pussy!), I slipped the collar on the lab for the boy. The new guy told me to start walking, I looked at the bike, he said he'd get it. I started walking, I heard him tell the kids to start walking, I turn and see them heading off. The guy brought me the bike. He asked if I was ok, of course i was, but I was still pretty shocked at what just happened. It all happened so quick, and it was just so crazy. That little girl did not have the strength to hold that big lab, walk him, yes, but not when he goes to attack my dog. and the their fucking collars slipping off? that's bullshit. get a smaller collar! I mentioned to the guy that I got the brunt of the force, and showed him the bite, he happened to have a wet cloth on him (ironic?), and he wiped it off a little bit. It barely broke the skin, so I'm not too worried about it. I just think it's kinda funny that so many people are scared of pits eating their children or something, and I've owned two pits, and the very first bite I got was from a lab! (I know, two pits aren't a lot, but I will be owning more, since I will be building a house and having property, and I will be fostering pit bulls.) It was a crazy ride!

Ow! I'm sorry to hear that you got bit by a Labrador.