Well, Bud Clary's said that 1: their lube department has been down on business, so they're not hiring anyone, and 2: They're not going to hire girls until they get facilities for them...which is a little bullshit, because they should have them now...but oh well...I went to Stirlings, and talked to a guy there, I have to get my resume done, and then go back....I'll be posting that soon so ya'll can give me your opinions there...I suck at them, so the more people read them, the better it can get....I've got a party tonight, 4 or 5 of us are going to play 1000 drinking games, and we're all going to be smashed!! and then 7 chapters of homework and lots of reading to do on sunday....I'm going to get started on the reading, so I'll post more later....

Good luck finding a job!!