My name is Sharon, and I am an addict. My mom got the Guitar Hero 2 game for PS2 on Christmas, and we played for 7 hours straight. I freakin love this game. After breaking up with the boyfriend, started hanging out with an old friend and making new ones, and found that they, too, had this wonderful game. I played some over there, and on Easter sunday, a friend and I played for 8.5 hours. Straight. And then not too long ago, A friend brought the game to another friends house, and we played, yet again. So, I got my first paycheck from my work study at school, and went out and spent $243 on a PS2, Guitar Hero 2 pack, and a memory card. The funny thing is, that whenever I played for a while at my mom's, the walls would start moving and the tv and various objects would start floating. I contributed it to her smoking and figured the contact high coupled with the game did it. After a few hours on Easter, all of a sudden everything started racing around. and then I buy the game, and after 20 min stuff is floating around! And when I got on the computer after not playing for 2 days, the keyboard was moving, and my eyes have been killing me all day. This blows. Because I want to play. On medium level, I have every single song 5 stars. I am working my way through the hard level. Once I get through it, I'll bring my 3 stars to 4, and then to 5. And then to EXPERT! HAHAHAhahahahahah!!! yeah, I've gone mad. But at least I'm not drunk every night like I was for the two weeks I had off of school for spring break, but I was only drunk because I was so happy that I could finally drink without being horribly scolded and I wouldn't feel like shit for doing it, because the bf didn't like it. dude, and drunk hackey sack is the shit! I hit that sack, but of course I was sliding all over the gravel trying not to spill my beer....I have truly been living...But yeah, This quarter, I have engine diagnostic class from 730am to 12. A/C Class portion from 1-2, may 7 to june 7 I'll have the lab portion of a/c from 2-430, as well as the class, and then m/w I have Human Relations from 515 to 730! MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 730AM TO 730PM. And all the time in between classes that I have are spent working on cars for work study, so I don't even get a naptime! But I do get paid almost $11 an hour, so I'm not completely complaining
But, I think I'm going to head to bed, I'm going to try to get some kind of sleep today. I have to replace spark plugs, pcv valve, air filter and fuel filter on a ford taurus tomorrow, and if the injectors are done being cleaned, then I gotta put them back in too....(hopefully the gas doesn't burn my wrists and make my arms swell this time