You know, Montana is really pretty, but I don't think I could live there. I just drove straight to Montana, no stops (besides gas), stayed the day, and drove home. It really is beautiful, but there's barely any trees! I love how it's the perfect space to just get on a horse and run, which I really want to do, and I love that there are at least hills, it's not completely flat, but I just have to have my NW oregon green! and I'm not talking pot here, I have to have the trees, and forests, around me....Oh, the reason I went to Montana was to take my little brother home, and to see the only person that has slightly been a father to me, I hadn't seen either of them for 13 years, and even though I'm flatout broke, and have no money for bills, I'm really glad I went....I just wished I hadn't talked in Canada for so long, that's a 1200 dollar phone bill! I forgot about roaming....they dropped it a couple hundred for me, but still, it's a big bill, and then you owe people $200, and the insurance $150, and soon rent is due again, and you're boss took you off the schedule for a week, again, yeah, it definately blows....oh, and what about gas? oil changes? I've had to due 3 oil changes since the beginning of June. anyway, I'm going to go find money for gas and oil change, so I'll talk to y'all later....
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