Anyone else with shoes like these??
for an actual update, Jesse and I aren't together anymore. But according to everyone else I know, we are...
We're still living together, and because we're at his mom's house at the moment, we're still sleeping in the same bed and sharing the room...But according to us, we're not together, and we both feel a little better. We don't feel as pressured to do stuff together, and we don't feel like we're married anymore. I'll be looking for a place when I save up some money, and he'll probably be my roommate...It's all good...
Job sucks ass, so I'm seeing about being a manager, and get some experience doing that as I work another service job, subway. I'll be working 3 days a week total. Fri and Sat - Taco Hell and Subway, Sun is Subway. And I'll still be going to school, Mon Wed Fri. So I'll have Tue and Thu all to myself...It'll be good. Now for a car.....
Ha! I like your fancy footwear - don't they give you blisters though?
Good luck with become a manager. Sorry about your boyfriend. I hope you are able to get your own place soon.