Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts about my kitty, Keira!!!
She's doing much better now but it was an experience! I took her to the vet that day, $200 pop, but well worth it because I love my girl and I was worried she had an obstruction. They took x-rays, blood, temp, and gave her fluid. Her blood werk was good except it did show she had inflamation and dehydration. She was always running a temp and had abdominal pain. She was actually hissing and growling, this cat has never been angry in the 2 yrs that I have had her! She is the most resiliant cat that I have known. This just confirmed how sick she was. We couldn't see anything on the x-ray except her stomach was mildly distented from the inflamtion. The doc said it was more than likely that she has inflamatory bowel disorder. He gave a shot of cortizone to help ease the inflamation and sent me home w/ some antibiotic. I think the shot and the fluids they gave her did the trick because by the next day she was running around like a freak in heat(she is fixed) again! Yeah!!! I was so so scared especially since she had been having diarhea for the last couple of months before this happened.
So, it's all good in the Dazy h00d! Other than that, I'm house shopping(me first owned home)! Yeah! Finals are the next 2 wks and I still have 6, 4 page essays to write for my trauma class, I don't know if I have enough time, booo!
Good news is, it's almost over(for this semester anyways) and finally some relaxing time for the summer! I so need it!!
What are you guys and gals up to this summer??
Thanks again luvs! Be good!
BTW-Keira is the kitty in my profile pic, she's got incredible balance.
Someone posted this under my Labyrinth post in the Bowie group, gave me a good laugh!

She's doing much better now but it was an experience! I took her to the vet that day, $200 pop, but well worth it because I love my girl and I was worried she had an obstruction. They took x-rays, blood, temp, and gave her fluid. Her blood werk was good except it did show she had inflamation and dehydration. She was always running a temp and had abdominal pain. She was actually hissing and growling, this cat has never been angry in the 2 yrs that I have had her! She is the most resiliant cat that I have known. This just confirmed how sick she was. We couldn't see anything on the x-ray except her stomach was mildly distented from the inflamtion. The doc said it was more than likely that she has inflamatory bowel disorder. He gave a shot of cortizone to help ease the inflamation and sent me home w/ some antibiotic. I think the shot and the fluids they gave her did the trick because by the next day she was running around like a freak in heat(she is fixed) again! Yeah!!! I was so so scared especially since she had been having diarhea for the last couple of months before this happened.
So, it's all good in the Dazy h00d! Other than that, I'm house shopping(me first owned home)! Yeah! Finals are the next 2 wks and I still have 6, 4 page essays to write for my trauma class, I don't know if I have enough time, booo!

What are you guys and gals up to this summer??
Thanks again luvs! Be good!

BTW-Keira is the kitty in my profile pic, she's got incredible balance.
Someone posted this under my Labyrinth post in the Bowie group, gave me a good laugh!
he's the bass player.. Rory is his name.
I'm glad you liked it. They don't have cd's for sale yet, but very very soon.

right in the heart of it near the gas station