So, right.....I'm having a really shitty day..........I knew I should have stayed in bed...which is prtically what I did...I slept and was an hour late for work and you all know what it means when you've slept in, late to work, still groggy and half eyed, not paying attention to speed limits and the sites you know where the cops like to sit and pick us off...yeah, got pulled over by a state boy....anyone ever notice how embarrasing that is...I mean when you drive by someone that's been pulled over, EVERYONE looks, even if you don't care, you still turn your head and I think most of us laugh to ourselves and pointing our finger going "look at that person, ha ha" or "it sucks to be that guy/girl" never really remembering how it sux ass when it happens to us.....fucking rubberneckers! Part of me just wants to jump out the car and say "yeah mutherfuckers, I got pulled over for speeding and I'm exstatic about it, you only wish you were me because now instead of "boss, I'm sorry I slept in", it's "boss, I'm sorry but the nasty police officer made me late", that's it transfer the focal point on someone else! Meanwhile, I want to try to look as cute and innocent as can be to try to get out of I don't argue or anything...and I have never gotten out of a ticket like some women can....but I have had like today officers supposedly go easy on me....our state pigs are usually dicks and I know every state is diff but in PA, they run the shots.....this guy took one look at me...not that he may have noticed my criminal justice books scattered all over the front seat of my car or nothing...aks me if I have a clean driving record and if I was heading to school....he comes back and says well, here's your fine but I marked it as a traffic ofense rather than speeding so you don't get any points on your license and your insurance doesn't increase.....this is not the first time a cop has "done this" for one hand you almost want to shake their hand and say "thank you officer" on the other you realize they are still fucking you up the arse with the fine and then you want ask them "what, you want a fuckin medal? So nice of you to ticket me instead of not!" Most police I think are pulling this tactic now a days at least in PA because it's so poor, they want you on the roads but they want their cut too! Oh that I have ranted on and on about nothing...the bright side is whether I like it or not their gain is also my could've been worse..supposedly he got me on radar going 62 in a 45, which I know I wasn't going that fast to begin with...I was speeding but at about 55 max...I know he clocked the car in front of me but caught me...but considering regardless what I know to be the truth...65 in a 45 = pricey fine and and enough to get your license pulled....what I got was a $106 fine and my nerves rattled...I think that I made out considering..............with that being is everyone else today?

Just trying to make light of the situation

all I gotta say is hook me up with the model and the outfit, Halloween girl!!!! lol