well here we are i just want to say fuck face,no reason why i just kinda like sayin it
seen a good film last night called the butterfly effect well when i say good there were a couple of bits that made me smile.hellava wierd though.
only a couple of weeks til i go see the wonderful kate(my g/f)
if you could have on super hero power what would it be and why??
mine would be flight so i could see down girls tops

seen a good film last night called the butterfly effect well when i say good there were a couple of bits that made me smile.hellava wierd though.
only a couple of weeks til i go see the wonderful kate(my g/f)
if you could have on super hero power what would it be and why??
mine would be flight so i could see down girls tops

If i was a super hero i would want the ability to mutate into anything. I think i would get most powers then