Bleurgh! Just moved back to Galashitfuckshiels for uni. Probably the smallest and most boring town in Scotland. Did however get to meet Ainsley of Fame Academy fame yesterday as he was playing at my fresher's week! It made the move all worthwhile! Only ten people showed up and they were actually there to see The Big Hand , WHO RULE! And also have a very original selection of headwear, very important quality in a ska band, don't you know.
Also just bought The Locust and Frankenstein's Drag Queens the other day. Jackie made me do it. My new favourite song is "Your mother sucks cocks in hell" Delightful!
Oh yeah how utterly ridiculous is that scene with the flower in 40 days 40 nights. No wonder guys are so clueless!
Also just bought The Locust and Frankenstein's Drag Queens the other day. Jackie made me do it. My new favourite song is "Your mother sucks cocks in hell" Delightful!
Oh yeah how utterly ridiculous is that scene with the flower in 40 days 40 nights. No wonder guys are so clueless!
Just googled Flange clamp
"Flange Clamp The Mac-Seal flange clamp is designed to support leaking ring ......."
How old am I????
I fixed my computer.... but but for how long???