ha ha I'm on the club noir website! I'm so pissed and have lipstick on my cheek from Lauren
I'm very confused by this new layout
doesn't help that I'm also very very drunk and have been since noon,, hahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
last exam biaaatches 4 double jack D's with ice in 45 mins with no breakfast hahhahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I moved house on Saturday, you should check out my guns after lugging all my worldly possesions up 3 flights of stairs as well as a double bed and matress I now have one damn sexy pair of orangutan arms!!!!!!
then went out to clash which kicked ass and Jenny once again got very very drunk hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trust me it was very well deserved.
bloody lauren and Jenna spent the whole night trying to conviince me a very hot man I like fancied me which is utter bullshit, let's just face it I am a PIRIAAHHHA (sppppppppp) (pissed)(sorry)
men like women who fit nicely into categories, niche marketing makes men feel more comfortable and unfortunately I am not very nicheable (is that a word?) I bloody welll hop[e so I just used it in my exam paper!
Shame I was wanting to christen my new bed with iron frame (all the better for tying people too!hehe)
And wait it shall, my flat mate doesn't want me to sleep with random people anymore, apparently it makes me even more neurotic and emotional, oh yeah and she also wants me to give up smoking and strawberry cornettos,Hell no!!!!!!!!
hereis a much better photo of my fashion collection, check my pics folder for the rest I am much too drunk for anymore of this drinking malarkey!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think I'm going to be sick now....
rarrr its still noit workin

I'm very confused by this new layout
doesn't help that I'm also very very drunk and have been since noon,, hahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
last exam biaaatches 4 double jack D's with ice in 45 mins with no breakfast hahhahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I moved house on Saturday, you should check out my guns after lugging all my worldly possesions up 3 flights of stairs as well as a double bed and matress I now have one damn sexy pair of orangutan arms!!!!!!
then went out to clash which kicked ass and Jenny once again got very very drunk hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trust me it was very well deserved.
bloody lauren and Jenna spent the whole night trying to conviince me a very hot man I like fancied me which is utter bullshit, let's just face it I am a PIRIAAHHHA (sppppppppp) (pissed)(sorry)
men like women who fit nicely into categories, niche marketing makes men feel more comfortable and unfortunately I am not very nicheable (is that a word?) I bloody welll hop[e so I just used it in my exam paper!
Shame I was wanting to christen my new bed with iron frame (all the better for tying people too!hehe)
And wait it shall, my flat mate doesn't want me to sleep with random people anymore, apparently it makes me even more neurotic and emotional, oh yeah and she also wants me to give up smoking and strawberry cornettos,Hell no!!!!!!!!
hereis a much better photo of my fashion collection, check my pics folder for the rest I am much too drunk for anymore of this drinking malarkey!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I think I'm going to be sick now....
rarrr its still noit workin

Once i get hold of a pic of me from noir, i'll post it so you can see why you might have missed me.