LyxzenI salute you

wooohoo I have bronchitis and a bumper sized box of antibiotics, I don't know how many more pills my body can handle!
Anyone dare me to get drunk?

Sweet jesus I'm still recovering from Friday, I can cope with 20 hour days once a week but not four!
I had to dress four different models between collections, as their dressers failed to show up and I did hair and make up for over 30 models, including the dreaded "boy".
Have you ever tried to do someone's eyeliner without making eye contact, not easy I can tell you...I did get to make him look pretty stupid though...hehe

My dad was introduced to my tattoos for the first time on Friday as well, here's hoping he starts talking to me again sometime in the next century
Despite the traumatic experiences it was worth it, I made a million and one new friends, several of which randomly offered to take nekky pictures of me when they found out I wanted to be an sg. I think you guys are about the only people who haven't seen me boobies

now I'm off to buy a new camera, then spend the next 12 hours pattern cutting, hooray!!

Have fun with scissors