think of pretty things
city streets at dawn
being hugged so tight you feel like you might cave in
when the wind whips around your hair and it feels electric
the glare of fresh virgin snow
sitting in cold baths on hot summer days
ice cream trickling down your throat
sharing a cigarette with someone you love
not needing to talk because you know what they're thinking
sleeping with a warm body curled round your back
when I was 9 I told my mum that I thought I was a lesbian because all my freinds fancied Robbie Williams and I didn't
Lauren hugged her phone for me and promised me a piggy back
" drink me down and swallow hard, why don't you love me sweeter?"
I like my nights out sleazy, cheezy and preferably including a mechanical bull
Apparently people think me and Lauren are a couple, need to find a way to rectify this situation if I don't want to remain single for the rest of my life and end up an old lady in a bedsit with a brown corduroy sofa and three million cats.
May make myself a little badge saying "this is not my girlfriend, male attention welcomed" on second thoughts I may come across as a bit easy.
Foxy Rouge made me and Lauren get up on stage at the burlesque night to sing stand by your maaaaaaaaaaaaan I am still traumatised. I think it was all the gingham that confused me.
Gem you are a jammy sod, and I hate you
only kidding you know I love you really, you little magners minx
city streets at dawn
being hugged so tight you feel like you might cave in
when the wind whips around your hair and it feels electric
the glare of fresh virgin snow
sitting in cold baths on hot summer days
ice cream trickling down your throat
sharing a cigarette with someone you love
not needing to talk because you know what they're thinking
sleeping with a warm body curled round your back
when I was 9 I told my mum that I thought I was a lesbian because all my freinds fancied Robbie Williams and I didn't
Lauren hugged her phone for me and promised me a piggy back
" drink me down and swallow hard, why don't you love me sweeter?"

I like my nights out sleazy, cheezy and preferably including a mechanical bull

Apparently people think me and Lauren are a couple, need to find a way to rectify this situation if I don't want to remain single for the rest of my life and end up an old lady in a bedsit with a brown corduroy sofa and three million cats.
May make myself a little badge saying "this is not my girlfriend, male attention welcomed" on second thoughts I may come across as a bit easy.
Foxy Rouge made me and Lauren get up on stage at the burlesque night to sing stand by your maaaaaaaaaaaaan I am still traumatised. I think it was all the gingham that confused me.

Gem you are a jammy sod, and I hate you
only kidding you know I love you really, you little magners minx

take it easy, and shake it sleazy!!