I have new inky dinky dink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Getting tattoed is officially the best form of therapy in the world
After spending two hours at Max's trying to figure out how we were going to fit 14 words spiralling around my wrist we gave up on the idea, cos accoording to him it made me look like a junky on day release, not a good look
So I now have a line of text running up the inside of my calf, the next one will run up the inside of my thigh, I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately I now have transfer ink all over my arm and I look like I fell asleep under a pile of newspapers
Oh and I fell asleep whilst bleaching my hair the other night so now my hair looks radio active, hhhrm also not quite the look I was wanting to go for
For some reason it only just occured to me that staying in bed for two days with the curtains pulled eating only apples and reading the bell jar and prozac nation in an empty flat.... is not a good way in which to cheer oneself up...sillly Jenny
Ta da ... happy Jenny has emerged butterfly stylee from her duvet cocoon and is skipping around in her gorgeous new fifties dress.....skippity do da!!!!!!!!!!
It's amazing what having a needle drilled through your skin will do to cheer you up
....some random man told me I smelt nice at a club on Sat
...I also finally got the chance to use the immortal line
Could you excuse me? I cut my foot earlier and now my shoe is filling up with blood
To anyone who thinks I am ignoring them I am really sorry I just don't have net access right now, I miss you all my little pumpkin puddings and I will catch up soon, oooh and ther'll be lots of new photos too , esp for Matt
"today's the day that I become the sky"
now I'm to see [MEMBER=Nick aka's] new band
squdges all round
here's one of loraine's photo's from our little mini shoot for her art project

Getting tattoed is officially the best form of therapy in the world

After spending two hours at Max's trying to figure out how we were going to fit 14 words spiralling around my wrist we gave up on the idea, cos accoording to him it made me look like a junky on day release, not a good look
So I now have a line of text running up the inside of my calf, the next one will run up the inside of my thigh, I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately I now have transfer ink all over my arm and I look like I fell asleep under a pile of newspapers
Oh and I fell asleep whilst bleaching my hair the other night so now my hair looks radio active, hhhrm also not quite the look I was wanting to go for

For some reason it only just occured to me that staying in bed for two days with the curtains pulled eating only apples and reading the bell jar and prozac nation in an empty flat.... is not a good way in which to cheer oneself up...sillly Jenny

Ta da ... happy Jenny has emerged butterfly stylee from her duvet cocoon and is skipping around in her gorgeous new fifties dress.....skippity do da!!!!!!!!!!
It's amazing what having a needle drilled through your skin will do to cheer you up
....some random man told me I smelt nice at a club on Sat

...I also finally got the chance to use the immortal line
Could you excuse me? I cut my foot earlier and now my shoe is filling up with blood
To anyone who thinks I am ignoring them I am really sorry I just don't have net access right now, I miss you all my little pumpkin puddings and I will catch up soon, oooh and ther'll be lots of new photos too , esp for Matt

"today's the day that I become the sky"

now I'm to see [MEMBER=Nick aka's] new band
squdges all round

here's one of loraine's photo's from our little mini shoot for her art project

Worse than gala I've got some friends in Hawick!
You got any OUTRAGEOUS hawaiian shirts in that funky store of yours? or any stylish straw hats?
oh and... dick van dyke rules
Exams are all in first week o june. Will be back up sometime in the 3rd week I is a reckonin. WIll do a wee post to let people know of my arrival! Haha