Why can things never be simple?
Why can't it be... boy meets girl... girl likes boy....boy and girl fall in love, give each other amusing nicknames and live happily ever after?
....instead of, boy meets girl ..BOY HAS 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!!!...boy is severly fucked up by last relationships and has major trust issues...girl believes boy when he says he really likes her and respects her and is nothing like the rest of the assholes shes been with and promises that he would never hurt her....Boy sleeps with girl...boy is fantastic in bed.....boy leaves at 5 in the morning and never calls her again
That was 6 days ago...after wallowing in Brand New, Bright Eyes despair and rejection I am know in the Bikini Kill, I want you to die stage. At least that's what I keep telling myself. As my freind Tanya keeps telling me "Jenny you are aloof like a loofa! A LOOFA GODDAMMIT, YOU ARE BOUNTY!!!!!WITH EXTRA FUCKING BALSAM!!!!!!!
Unfortunately I know that underneath it all I'm really just Tesco own brand pocket size tissues
update: my tattoo guy Max just emailed me to let me know that photos of 2 of my tattoos were published in Skin Deep, shazzam!!!!!!!!
Why can't it be... boy meets girl... girl likes boy....boy and girl fall in love, give each other amusing nicknames and live happily ever after?
....instead of, boy meets girl ..BOY HAS 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!!!!!...boy is severly fucked up by last relationships and has major trust issues...girl believes boy when he says he really likes her and respects her and is nothing like the rest of the assholes shes been with and promises that he would never hurt her....Boy sleeps with girl...boy is fantastic in bed.....boy leaves at 5 in the morning and never calls her again

That was 6 days ago...after wallowing in Brand New, Bright Eyes despair and rejection I am know in the Bikini Kill, I want you to die stage. At least that's what I keep telling myself. As my freind Tanya keeps telling me "Jenny you are aloof like a loofa! A LOOFA GODDAMMIT, YOU ARE BOUNTY!!!!!WITH EXTRA FUCKING BALSAM!!!!!!!
Unfortunately I know that underneath it all I'm really just Tesco own brand pocket size tissues

update: my tattoo guy Max just emailed me to let me know that photos of 2 of my tattoos were published in Skin Deep, shazzam!!!!!!!!

If I could I would hold everything
If I could I would poems
But I cannot so I do other things like eating
gr that guy sounds like a right twat or gobshite as we say over here across the sea;p i cant believe he slept wit u n spent hours talkin to u n failed to mention that he had a fookin child!! grr some boys seriously need a good beating over the head sometimes....