Stuck on my sticky shoooooooooooe!
I got me a sexy flem voice for christmas, huzzah!!!!!
Despite having the most fabulous costume of black satin lederhosen for Club Noir, I didn't get to go booooooooo!
The flem situation had reached ridiculous proportions and I couldn't actually talk, I was beginning to sound a bit like the penguin that lost its squeak in Toy Story 2

So I spent the whole day still dressed as Squiffy the poodle from the night before and eating Haribo and leftover quiche, classy!
Once again I ended up at the thorougly mankyroo Citrus Club on Saturday night and spent a large part of the evening hiding in the toilets shouting "CUNT,CUNT HE'S A CUNTING CUNTY CUNT!!!!!!"
I'm a real lady

Rounded up the evening by snogging Darren's girlfreind (he didn't mind) and consequentially having a flick fight on the dance floor after he licked his finger and stuck it in my ear, obviously I won and he congratulated me by telling me he loves me more than beer and licking my face

I've decided men are just too confusing, I met a very yummy boy on Christmas eve who I used to live near and it turns out he really likes me (he may be demented) I really like him and we have tons in common, but.........he lives in FUCKING DUNDEE!!!!!!!WHY GOD WHY?It's jusnofair, humph!
Gaaa, enough venting me thinx, what did everyone get for Christmas?
I got a raging hangover (I woke up on Moo-pa's sofa fully dressed and still drunk) and an awesome Hello Kitty Radio Alarm Clock shaped like a teacup, then on boxing day I got food poisining, cheers Moo-ma!!!!
It's good to be home

I watched Salad Fingers the other day, freaky stuff!
I think i'm already sick of my new profile picture and its been up about a day
I used to love watching shows like "old bear" when it used to be on.
He told stories and it was awesome
have a good night.