I don't feel very well
For some reason I'm covered in red lipstick and there are staples stuck in my hair.
Where am I?
I think I,ve had a good weekend
It's a bit squiffy right now though
I vaguely remember shouting"Damn ma hats on fire, why didn't you tell me ma hat was on fire?...I thought it was part of your look?"
And skipping... I'm sure there was skipping at some point in the evening
Due to a lack of cute boys in Citrus Club I ended up pulling my freind Lauren
On Friday I was drinking home made mulled wine at my old flat, apparently it tasted "you know...erm like that chemically stuff...antisemitic...that's it!"
I spent most of the evening telling one of my best mates "no.. I love you more.. no I love you more"
Oh yeah Mooj's quote of the night "this curry tastes.....currish"
The Candy Kane is truly candiferous
Huggles for Buggles moah jxxxxxxxxxx
I don't feel very well
For some reason I'm covered in red lipstick and there are staples stuck in my hair.
Where am I?

I think I,ve had a good weekend
It's a bit squiffy right now though

I vaguely remember shouting"Damn ma hats on fire, why didn't you tell me ma hat was on fire?...I thought it was part of your look?"
And skipping... I'm sure there was skipping at some point in the evening

Due to a lack of cute boys in Citrus Club I ended up pulling my freind Lauren

On Friday I was drinking home made mulled wine at my old flat, apparently it tasted "you know...erm like that chemically stuff...antisemitic...that's it!"

I spent most of the evening telling one of my best mates "no.. I love you more.. no I love you more"

Oh yeah Mooj's quote of the night "this curry tastes.....currish"
The Candy Kane is truly candiferous

Huggles for Buggles moah jxxxxxxxxxx

hope you have a great new years eve!! stay safe and be careful. i look forward to talking with you next year!
{{{{{{{{{{big hugs}}}}}}}}}}